
Possible road trip to the Denver area!!!

Anyone interested in Bourbon Red Turkey poults if I bring them over there? Also is anyone needing chickies moved from one area to the other? We'd be leaving Grand Junction tomorrow morning and driving I-70 to the Denver area, staying for one night and then heading back.
Selling the poults would give us some gas money, basically...
Welcome Peradventure! Glad you're here!
Wifezilla - Thanks!!! I'm excited and nervous!

OK roadtrip postponed until next weekend, June 17-18. DH is better about these things and pointed out that weekend is right at my payday... Plus I looked at our usual hotels and WOW I was not expecting prices to be soooo high...

So again, I'd still be happy to help anyone out who needs to move some chickies back or forth across the I-70 areas. I'm looking at getting some BCMs while I'm over there, I hope I hope I hope.
I live in Parker and went a bit overboard when I bought chicks this spring... I might have picked up 30 too many. They are 16 weeks now. If you would take good care of them and have space for them to roam, please contact me and we'll talk about getting some to you. Thank you!
Hi, I have lots of chicks hatched and hatching including Orpingtons in black, lavender and splash, 6 week old silkies, Light and Silver Sussex, a few Black Copper Marans. May also have a few started pairs available.

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