
are you my mother?

She's pretty, and looks just like my Joss.
I'd take her except I'm not allowed anymore egg layers until the new coop is done, next spring.
On another note, I just assembled a two gallon bucket with water nipples, hoping that helps with the water situation. I will have to do some creative thinking on how to hang it since I have chickens of all sizes (same age though).
When I hung mine I had the same problem. I hung it high for the big girls, then just put concrete pavers at the side so the littler ones could climb on there to get to the nipples.
Lucky you getting a beauty from Shy!! And the really good thing about Shy is you can rest assured that her birds don't have any bugs or crud to pass on to yours. And they're gorgeous!! Her Silkies and Cochins!
I know! I currently have her in my new broody/iso hutch(also bought at the swap). I just want her to be a little older when she meets her new sister. And her new sis is sitting on a clutch of eggs in the little girl coop, so I don't know how that would go over. :/. She might just ignore Matilda which I think is likely or she will get defensive.

Anyone have experience on that one?
Making my coffee this am made me wonder... has anyone ever used coffee grounds in their coop as a deodorizer? Drug runners use it to cover the smell of their product it works so well and it is readily available. What disadvantages am I overlooking?


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