columbian ameraucana~possible? genetic gurus....

 I don't know the genetics of your question. However, you are very wise to start with and eWh base and not and eb ( Brown) base. that way, using Wheaten, you don't need to balance any under color to get correct top color.
the problem is the silkies are eb (dad was a silver partridge and mom was a partridge based buff...)
Hi guys,
I know this is an ancient thread. Please pardon my archeology in digging it up, but I'm curious if there's been progress. I love the light Columbian coloring and would love a couple of Ameracauna-based EE with this coloring.

Since I'm still planning my flock, could anyone tell me what color Ameracaunas can cross with a light Sussex roo to produce light Columbian offspring? I'd like to add one to my wishlist. =D

Sorry if this is an elementary question...I've tried to do some research on genetics and attempted the chicken calculator, but it all makes my brain hurt.

In reading up on this, if you want a basic and straightforward EE that’s columbian colored, see if you can get ahold of a Silver Ameraucana. The breeder directory for the Ameraucana Alliance will tell you where you can find silver Ameraucanas for sale from breeders :) The silver Ameraucana roosters are gorgeous! I’d get the boy and a light Sussex girl 😄

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