Comb Contest- ends January 1st


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
Here is a contest to show of your roo's and hens large combs! It'll end January 1st. Now, judging this will be hard, but feel free to enter even if say, there are already alot of chickens with larger combs than yours. Post the age too (like it your three week old roo chick has a giant comb, it might win even if an adult roo's was older). It'll be hard to judge, and will be kinda vague. Like EE combs or something might not be as bit because they are not single. That doesn't mean one would win. Or as stated for a younger roo above.
Have fun! Post away!
Penny is my buff Orpington hen. She is a rescued chicken (found in a 4 x 4 pen with 15 other chickens), so we don't know her age.
She has one blue eye and one green eye, and she is partially blind.



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