combs & wattles (NEW AT THIS)


7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
Grand junction
At what age do combs turn red or even pink for pullets? and what age do pullets get wattles? I have 13 chicks between the ages of 2 weeks to 6 weeks and I am freaked out that they are all Roo's as a lot of them are getting pink combs or wattles coming in. All of them came from different pullet bins but from the same store.

Here are the breeds I have incase you need to know

Silver laced wyandotte
White Leghorn
Light Brahma
Partrige Rock
Buff Orpington
Rhode Island red
Speckled Sussex

Please help me out if you know anything about sexing any of the breeds above or when your pullet or roo started getting wattles or pink or red comb.
SLW's the roos tend to have more white on them than hens when hatched. not always true but if the chick hatched with white wings it is more likely to be male. these signs are not always right, so don't despair.
My 8 1/2 week old Buff Orpington hen only started turing pink and getting waddles around a week ago. My Mille Fleur Roo started getting his red comb at 5 weeks or so and now at 8 1/2 weeks it is huge and bright. My SLW is only 4 weeks so no answer for you there. My Easter Egger (Amerecauna) had waddles around 5 weeks old, and a flesh toned comb until about 3 days ago when her comb started pinkening up a little. I have a Barred Rock but its still only 4 weeks old.
And for what it is worth, mine all developed a little differently, even the same breed. At 13 weeks old, I am pretty confident they are all hens, at this point, but I did worry a little when one of my barred rocks developed faster then the others.
I'm having the same issue with mine. A friend raises chickens and said even with red/pink combs and wattles, that 4 of 5 of mine are pullets. Their feathers are rounded rather than pointed.

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