Come On AC we want some eggs! Smokey sitting on fertile eggs? If so, maybe you could move her somewhere to hatch chicks. Of course that's differnet if your trying to break her. Somebody's been in the nesting box today at my place, but only to kick out most of the straw.

At least they were in the box! That's good. That's a closer step to laying.
An egg, an egg and EGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's brown.

Last time I checked white leghorns layed white eggs.

So it's either from my reitred hens who haved layed in months, or my two black sex links who don't look even close.
But its an EGG!!!!! You can vote on my poll about who layed it. SO EXCITED!!!

I had a 3 month dry spell and after 3 days of using crushed cayenne pepper I've been getting eggs daily. The 25th I got 3 eggs (only two were solid the third was soft and messy). Then today I got two eggs and one of them was from my cochin who has never laid before!

I pick up a container of it at big lots for $.35 a week and mix it into all of their table scraps and into their feeder. They love it.
I was feeding everyone cayenne pepper for about a week - I didn't see any changes in egg laying though so I quit - that was about a month ago. I think I read that the red pepper thing works for restarting pullets/hens rather then new layers. But I'm inclined to try again just because at least it gives me something to do :)

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