Common defects thread


11 Years
Jan 3, 2009
This is a thread of common defects among the various types of chickens. Please feel free to post photos, I'll then add them to the OP so we have a nice list. I don't have a huge amount of birds, so I'll only be able to post a few pictures. Full credit will be given to the owner(s) of the photographs.

Clear pictures of the area please! Like, if your bird has a split wing please take a picture of the wing and not a photo of the entire bird.
The birds being photographed do not have to be purebred or show quality.
Please do not post photos that are larger than 640x480

oh, and please post to remind me if I forgot something!



Single comb

A correct large single comb, but the size is a defect in certain breeds that require a smaller comb, such as this leghorn. Photo (C) to Attack Chicken, used with permisson

Cockerel exhibiting a "beefy" comb with far too many points. Also twisted. Photo (C) to bluemottie
Rose comb

A female wyandotte bantam exhibiting a correct rosecomb for that breed. For general referance of rosecombs. Photo (C) to Attack Chicken, used with permission

A cockerel showing a double spike. Birds with this defect should not be used for breeding. Photo (C) MsBear, used with permission

A cock with a rough rosecomb, notice the pointy, spiky surface. Photo (C) to ameracanachick, used with permission

Pea comb

Preferred pea comb- as required for the standard for that breed (araucana). Photo (C) to amazondoc, used with permission

Straight and tall pea comb (as opposed to a flat pea comb, as seen above.) Photo (C) to amazondoc, used with permission

Tall and floppy pea comb. Photo (C) to amazondoc, used with permission

Tall and twisted pea comb. Photo (C) to amazondoc, used with permission .
Walnut comb

Cushion comb

Strawberry comb

Comb Swap
(Birds with an incorrect type of comb)

Standard cochin cockerel with a pea comb. The correct comb type for cochins, either bantam or standard is a single comb as seen above. Photo (C) to HappyMt, used with permission


Head (beak/wattles/eyes/earlobes)

Droopy, "basset hound" eyes-notice the lower lid droop. Photo (C) to onthespot, used with permission

A young wyandotte pullet with a deformed beak. Caused by either genetics or fluctuations of humidity during incubations, which was the cause in this case. Photo (C) to Attack Chicken, used with permission

A silkie cockerel with a crooked (crossed/scissor) beak, where the upper portion of the beak is crossed over the lower half, or vice versa. Caused by genetics or by fluctuations in humidity and temperature during incubation. Birds that hatch with severe crossed beaks often do not survive long as they cannot eat. Photo (C) to onthespot, used with permission

Wing and wing feathers (primaries/secondaries/coverts/wing bow)


Legs (shanks/toes/spurs) -birds with four toes

Showgirl (all five toes, as required) crooked middle toes Photo (c) to bluemottie

Another bird with crooked toes. Photo (C) to Jester's Eye, used with permission

Ungual Osteodystrophy-Missing or deformed tonail, usually on the middle toe, sometimes actually shortening the toe. Heritable, not simple recessive or dominant, several genes involved. Photo (C) to jenjscott, used with permission.

Rooster with spur growth on only one side, other side small and nubby. Photo (C) bluemottie

Legs (shanks/toes) -birds with five toes

Showgirl pullet exhibiting four toes; five required


Tail (Sickles/main tail feathers/saddle area/uropogyial gland area)


Keel/Breast area



Foreign colors-very small quantities are acceptable, but the feather should never be more than 1/2 the undesired color. Photo (C) to bluemottie

(Farthest bird back in the picture) An example of a color impurity, where an underlying red leaks through, such as on the wing of this ameraucana rooster. Photo (C) onthespot, used with permission

Dark colored bird with white tipped feathers - NOT a mottled or spangled variety - a common occurance in black birds, featherlegged black birds can have white tips on the leg feathers. Photo (C) to jensjscott, used with permission

Clean legged birds


Clean legged four week old with feathered legs and stubs
Photo (C) to bluemottie

Feather legged birds (faverolles/langshan not included)

Feather legged bird exhibiting a lack of feathering down the middle toe-also showing an infected stub. (NOT a langshan/faverolle)
Photo (C) to bluemottie

Off-color feathers in feather legged breeds, most commonly white feathers in blue or black varieties. Photo (C) silkiechick05, used with permission

Feather legged birds (faverolle/langshan birds)


Crested Breeds


Silkie feathered birds


"Bob" tailed birds (cochins/silkies/showgirls/etc)

Cochin bantam with main tail feathers-hard shafted feathers that are not pliable and should not exist in these breeds. Photo (C) bluemottie

Showgirl cockerel with main tail feathers as well. Photo (C) bluemottie



Unique birds (sumatra/junglefowl/etc-birds with specifics requirements; sumatra must have three spurs, blabla)

Silkie with off-color skin. A dark purple color is required to be shown. Photo (C) to Catwalk, used with permission

Cock feathers in males of hen feathered breeds, such as this sebright. Photo (C) to Poultry Master, used with permission

Universal Disqualifications
All Breeds and Varieties-
Specimen lacking in breed characteristics.
Definite indications of contagious or communicable diseases.
Evidence of Faking.
More than 20% eather up or down from weight listed for its breed,sex and age.''
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Thanks! I see a lot of people who are new and wanting to show their birds. And then people coming back and telling what is anatomically wrong with their birds. I fogured maybe this could save both the poster and the postee some time
haha, I hate it when that get going on a roll and then realize you did all that work for nothing.
Don't suppose you have any defective chickens you could take pictures of to add to the list
All Breeds and Varieties-
Specimen lacking in breed characteristics.
Definite indications of contagious or communicable diseases.
Evidence of Faking.
More than 20% eather up or down from weight listed for its breed,sex and age.

Rhode Island Reds-
One or more entirely white feather showing in outer plumage.

Does anyone have pictures to go along with the defects?
Thanks to all who have posted, and those who want this thread to keep going!
Ungual Osteodystrophy.

Missing or deformed tonail, usually on the middle toe, sometimes actually shortening the toe. Heritable, not simple recessive or dominant, several genes involved.


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