Community Garden shut down! $25,000 FINE!


10 Years
Jul 30, 2009

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Why don't these people go complain about and crack down on the candy industry or the fast food industry and leave small time farmers alone? Give me a break! What are they afraid of? People getting HEALTHY!?! God forbid.
I'm afraid that people have it in their heads, that farms/ers equal dirty.
What do you expect with the way we harvest commercially nowadays?
Honestly if it's private property can't the owner plant a garden if they want?

And couldn't they ask friends, family, neighbors to help?

I'd be calling and reporting that woman every time she planted so much as a daisy... goose gander... if I can't garden on my own property then you can't either. Really, I heard a rumor that you have that 'gotta go' problem so how do I know you aren't tinkling on your tulips? And that fertilizer you're using... well it smells... I bet that isn't cool. And deer just love your type of hedges... and Bambi is a scary fella.

Some people have NO class at all.

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