
thank you I love it:) I started with 9 chickens, one passed, one I rehomed to a breeder, over this past spring/summer I started getting more , some turned out to be roosters /wrong breeds so I returned them..I just rehomed a 5mth old wheaten ameracuna rooster, he needed his own girls:) , a couple passed away, right now I am at 12, 2 black australorps, 3 buff orps, 2 lav orps, a speck sussex, a SLW, 2 coronation sussex's, one of which is the Roo and a RIR, I just ordered 4 more for spring, an EE, a golden buff, a blue laced red wyandotte and a columbian wyandotte.. If you click on my handle, you can view my past posts, that show my original barn, the damage from storm sandy, and the rebuild as to what it looks like today..

Right now, the chickens inside area is 12 x 9, with the rest storage...I love it, tho the rebuild and waiting for that was a pain, it turned out great (my husband and BIL built it), the chickens have a huge indoor area, they hang out inside more than outside:)

WOW! That is some setup you have! Very nice.....
I am just starting out, so far I ordered the spending the winter planning the coop design, there are so many options. I am in Clinton and would love to peck, I mean, pick your brain on chicken raising some time over coffee! :D
Would anyone like an Easter Egger Rooster. I know most people would rather have a more pretty rooster. For some reason it has a floppy comb. You can have it so if are running low on green egg layers just breed him with your hens and the babies will lay green eggs! He is free. If interested PM me or comment. PM preferred!

WOW! That is some setup you have! Very nice.....
I am just starting out, so far I ordered the spending the winter planning the coop design, there are so many options. I am in Clinton and would love to peck, I mean, pick your brain on chicken raising some time over coffee! :D

Hey neibour, I'm in Clinton too......Cindy
Cathy, email me and we can get together, you can come see my set up anytime:) my email is [email protected] I am in Old Lyme, about 2 miles off exit 70

Twunker>> Post him on the NEW HAVEN craigslist,,when I was looking to place my wheaten two weeks ago, a lady emailed me she saw the ad on the newhaven craigslist, and really wanted him! She had some EE hens, and wanted to add him to hers...My husband in the meantime, had given him to a friend of mine,,I don't have her info anymore, but she got it off the new haven craigslist,,very nice woman:)
Happy winter CT. My chicken stats now: 8 adults (2 black australorps, 1 buff orp, 1 Wyandotte, 1 EE, 1 blue hamburg, 1 sultan and 1 olandsk dwarf). 5 teens from Myer this past Fall: 1 RIR, 2 French copper Marian's, 1 spitzhauben and a Dominique. Then I have 2 Sulmtalers in a 10 x 10 poly greenhouse in the garden. They are only 2 months old. Hoping to move them in with the big girls soon.

Can we poll egg laying? My girls have dropped off significantly. I am getting 1 egg a day lately (past week). Wondering what everyone else is getting. My adult girls were 1 year old in August. supplemental light consisted of a solar powered spotlight that hasn't been charging well lately so that could be it (among a hundred other things of course).

As for winter chores I am still out there twice a day with my headlight on. DH got it for me last year and I love it for chicken chores. In fact, last night I ran the extension cord with the drill out there and reconfigured the nest boxes. Gave the girls some pizza crusts while I was in there :)
In the spring or sooner I will be hatching lots of hatching eggs to sell the chicks. I hope to hatch frizzles, silkies, naked necks, polish, as well as some others. Not preselling but curious who would be interested in buying any chicks.
Hey All!

it's been forever since i dropped in!

Merry almost Christmas!!!

How is everyone dealing with the freezing temperatures? I just finally gave in and put a small heat lamp in the coop. Although, as of yet, my girls really haven't done any complaining! :)

I still have the 3 Red Sex Link, 3 speckled sussex and 3 white leghorn. They will be a year old in March.

I was still getting 9 eggs a day until mid November, now I am just getting 6. The sussex are the ones that stopped. They are also the last ones that started to lay.

As far as molting,.. mine have not. is that a norm for their age?


We have 14 in a 8 x 8 coop we hung an oil filled radiator from eaves its keeping the water from freezing they did not like snow mine were hatched in mar and june they are buckeyes still laying i added a light on a timer comes on 5 am!!! I was told by breeder to add some cayenne pepper to feed to rev them up it works. I have Barnevelders hatched in may no eggs from them yet 3 of my girls young dont think ill get anything from them till spring
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