
Beth G. :

Hey CT BYC'rs

Does anyone know where I can find a Vet to get a Pullorum Typhoid clean certificate done for showing one of my birds at the MA Chicken Expo?

Also, does anyone in Central CT have any empty space in their bator for me? I have so many eggs this week and need to find someone to help me hatch. I will pay for your bator space

Let me know,

Oh Beth if I only had a ' hubby keeps telling me no no no oh god no don't let her hatch in a 'bator too!
Someone on her came to Bristol CT to the Chippens Hill Veterinary Clinic with their sick chicken. I don't know if they do Pullorum Typhoid clean certs, but perhaps worth checking into.​
Oh Beth if I only had a ' hubby keeps telling me no no no oh god no don't let her hatch in a 'bator too!
Someone on her came to Bristol CT to the Chippens Hill Veterinary Clinic with their sick chicken. I don't know if they do Pullorum Typhoid clean certs, but perhaps worth checking into.


Thanks I have FBCM's, Serma's, Bl Jersey Giants, and White Jersey Giant eggs all coming at once ackkkk anyone please please please help!!

Oh so, do you think if I call that Vet clinic they could tell me?

Thanks again,
Beth G
My friend use to go to Nothside Animal Hospital in Danbury and South Wilton Vet Group in Wilton for his parrots I don`t know if they do chickens You can call if you want. N.A.H=(203) 885-1862) S.W.V.G= (203) 762-2002
Hi Everyone,

I called the Dept of Ag Vet's phone number and they had a woman call me back. The lady is coming to my house to test from I believe the Heath dept. She said if anyone wants to know I do not pay her to come out. I only pay when the Lab sends me the certificate and it's a $1 per bird. If anyone needs her number let me know!

Hey Sam,

Thanks for the link I think I am going to go to this one for sure!!! I just hope I'm up to it in the middle of the winter

Did you find out if your health cert is still good for your birds to got to the Boston Expo? I have Mary from the CT dept of Ag coming to my house to test some birds for me and I'm not 100% sure but, I may or may not enter one of my birds at the show. I will be selling some though.

You will have to teach me Sam the in and outs of showing!! I haven't shown in over 20 years!! There is alot to know with the way things are done now compared to years ago in my old Oxbury 4-H club.

I'm not going to the Boston one.... too far! I'll be at the Springfield one though... I'd be glad to teach you! What 4-H Club were you in? I'm president of the Chicken Chaser's! Mary Joachim is the one that does my birds, too! Oh, and the barn is heated, so it isn't that cold at all... last year in was in February, though....
I was in the Oxbury 4-H club. I was a member from 1978 to 1990. We had our meetings at Nonnawaug H.S. in Woodbury, CT!! I will most likely go to the congress show. Maybe by then my Araucauna's will be more filled in or one of the Silkies I'm picking up this weekend

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