
Welcome Fuzzy Moto!

Good luck with your new chicks.

Sugar Ridge: is a good way to get rid of roos
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I have them on there but no calls. There about 8 weeks now. The French morans look like there going to be a good looking roo
Hi everyone! I live in Stonington CT. We just got our chickens about a year ago. I didn't realize how many people had chickens in CT! Glad it's finally starting to feel like Spring! We just finished re-doing the whole coop!
Hello again! Just wondering if anyone in ct has any bantam sized chickens like seramas, old english game bird bantams, silkies, etc. We have a selfish sumatra who likes her room, so we'd like some small chickens. We may take a rooster if we get about 3 hens (3 hens per rooster?) let me know! thank you!
Hello again! Just wondering if anyone in ct has any bantam sized chickens like seramas, old english game bird bantams, silkies, etc. We have a selfish sumatra who likes her room, so we'd like some small chickens. We may take a rooster if we get about 3 hens (3 hens per rooster?) let me know! thank you!

I have a black Silkie rooster that my serama hatched and raised in January. He's a sweet little guy who is a bit shy because he was raised by a broody but he doesn't mind handling. I also have two serama pullets ( including the silkie's mother) that I may give away. Let me know if you want pictures.:D

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