
Chickens are legal in Fairfield.

Thanks. I will try to have the updated map up sometime this week.

On another note, has anyone been to Hubbard Park in Meriden lately? I just want to remind everyone that there are free ducks and geese there that need good homes. They need to be caught soon or they're going to starve and freeze. Spread the word. If you are not near Meriden, check your local parks... there are abandoned ducks and geese all over the state and country. Ducks will eat slugs and lay eggs; geese deter hawks and foxes! They are hardy, useful animals so if you are thinking about getting some, now is the time to do it!
Hey all. Need some help. I've got 5 silkie roos that I need to get rid of. They are approximately 6 months old and making a racket. If anyone is interested or knows of someone who may want them, please let me know. Thank you
Here is the map, let me know the status of any other towns.

I found this Connecticut chicken blog. It says chickens will be legal in a town starting November 5, but what town is it? Anyone know?


Also, there is someone in the Pets and Livestock forum from Connecticut who wants to raise cavy/cuy/guinea pigs for meat. He (or she) is looking for large breeding stock, if anyone has any... (I do not know of anyone in Connecticut currently raising cuy for meat, so this may be the first.)
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Here is the map, let me know the status of any other towns.

I found this Connecticut chicken blog. It says chickens will be legal in a town starting November 5, but what town is it? Anyone know?


Also, there is someone in the Pets and Livestock forum from Connecticut who wants to raise cavy/cuy/guinea pigs for meat. He (or she) is looking for large breeding stock, if anyone has any... (I do not know of anyone in Connecticut currently raising cuy for meat, so this may be the first.)
Here is the map, let me know the status of any other towns.

I found this Connecticut chicken blog. It says chickens will be legal in a town starting November 5, but what town is it? Anyone know?


Also, there is someone in the Pets and Livestock forum from Connecticut who wants to raise cavy/cuy/guinea pigs for meat. He (or she) is looking for large breeding stock, if anyone has any... (I do not know of anyone in Connecticut currently raising cuy for meat, so this may be the first.)

Thank you for updating this map.
TSC just opened in Guilford CT thursday... I just bought 50lbs of layer crumble 10.99 then `15% off, I bought 4 bags 41$ good price sale only till sunday, AND TONS of other stuff!!
Sorry in advance but I just went out to give my six 1.5 month old black copper Marans chicks some feed and they were all dead, something got them most likely last night. 4 bodies left, 2 taken. Can only blame myself as their brooder was in a 10 x 10 greenhouse tent and I wasn't forcing them into the brooder and locking it up at night. The THING chewed through the greenhouse and killed them all. Just sad.

Sorry in advance but I just went out to give my six 1.5 month old black copper Marans chicks some feed and they were all dead, something got them most likely last night. 4 bodies left, 2 taken. Can only blame myself as their brooder was in a 10 x 10 greenhouse tent and I wasn't forcing them into the brooder and locking it up at night. The THING chewed through the greenhouse and killed them all. Just sad.


I am sorry for your lose,
Hi Linda, Sorry for your loss. It is never easy. Sounds like it may have been a fox. One of their trademarks is to kill all the chickens, then stash the carcasses to eat later. There is a good section on here about the different predators and their characteristics. It is easier to defend yourself when you know what you are dealing with. For me it is like when I wake up to find that the deer have been in my garden...we all need to eat... all one can do is pat ourselves on the back and start over hopefully having learned something from the experience that will help keep it from happening again. Good Luck, Randy

I will have blue and black marans chicks and hatching eggs in the spring if you are looking... also wheaten and blue wheaten ameraucanas, cream legbars (blue egg layers) as well as easter egger crosses, olive eggers.
Hello I have room open for any unwanted rooster for anyone around the fairfield country; ill be happy to take one in. Message me thanks !

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