
Moosehillfarm where have you been??? We've missed you!!!!


we will try you trick to sex it.the momma dont mind us handling her babies.the whites are very mild mothers gentle an calm nothing like our lav mothers were lol.

my little white momma got off nest today with her baby.i threw out the other eggs this will be perfect i will let her raise the one an then give it to you in nov.i am pretty sure it is a pullet
Oh Goody

we will try you trick to sex it.the momma dont mind us handling her babies.the whites are very mild mothers gentle an calm nothing like our lav mothers were lol.

my little white momma got off nest today with her baby.i threw out the other eggs this will be perfect i will let her raise the one an then give it to you in nov.i am pretty sure it is a pullet
Beth G. :


Where were you on Saturday? We had a great time at the Chicken Get-together in Derby, CT!!! You probably could have car pooled with jimmythechicken and little blue

Not hardly. I've been here for years.... and I'm one town away from you!

I was at a Cub Scout event with my son. Sorry!! I will make it one of these days. I've been to several of the Chickenstocks that were held out in Oxford. I'll be darned if I can remember the member's name though. It was back in the "old days" with Purple Chicken and Perfectly_Polish...
I've got a very young Dominique hen who's been sitting on eggs for almost 2 weeks. She stunned us by going broody. We weren't even aware she'd started laying! Anyway, if we get any that hatch I'll have a weird bunch of mixed breed chicks that I don't want to keep. My roo is a silkie of mixed colors and my hens are a varied lot, BOs, a Black Austrolorp, welsummers, Barnevelders, an EE (but I don't think I saw any green eggs in the bunch) Golden laced wyandottes and a weird little black hen who came from the UCONN poultry barns about 8 years ago. She still lays as reliably as any other hen I've got!
Beth G. :

Hey little blue you are up very early
Are you getting ready for school this early???

Sure, I pray it's a pullet
I really need 2 more nice black pullets. I am depressed b/c that batch from up north I did a real good look over and out of the 10 I got, only 4 wind up being pullets
At first I don't know about you but, I couldn't tell! It took this long for the saddle feathers and combs to start showing their Cockrel side
I still like them and will most likely Keep and Extra one incase something happens to my Brutus Boy!!! But, man those Orps are HUGE!
if you want it we will have our broody raise it an bring it up in nov for you

that was not me typing that was my dad
but i wake up at 6:00 for school
Beth G. :

Moosehillfarm where have you been??? We've missed you!!!!


Thanks Beth! That felt good...let me know if you want to try the chaff, and maybe we could squeeze in a little chickenstock here before the dead of winter. Any interest in a fall event?​
Hey Becky! I was hoping to meet you that week we had no power! I was standing at the end of your driveway watching the CL&P guys put in a new telephone pole and power lines. Our whole neighborhood cheered and shot off fireworks when the power came back on! Just recovering from surgery. We'll have to get together soon! Come on over anytime!

I was at a Cub Scout event with my son. Sorry!! I will make it one of these days. I've been to several of the Chickenstocks that were held out in Oxford. I'll be darned if I can remember the member's name though. It was back in the "old days" with Purple Chicken and Perfectly_Polish...
I've got a very young Dominique hen who's been sitting on eggs for almost 2 weeks. She stunned us by going broody. We weren't even aware she'd started laying! Anyway, if we get any that hatch I'll have a weird bunch of mixed breed chicks that I don't want to keep. My roo is a silkie of mixed colors and my hens are a varied lot, BOs, a Black Austrolorp, welsummers, Barnevelders, an EE (but I don't think I saw any green eggs in the bunch) Golden laced wyandottes and a weird little black hen who came from the UCONN poultry barns about 8 years ago. She still lays as reliably as any other hen I've got!

sounds like a interesting mix, id like to see what they look like when they hatch. bet it'll be interesting to look at lol

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