Consolidated Kansas

Thanks ever so much, Sunflowerparrot and Trish44! I'd forgotten about Orscheln's -- I called the ones in Newton and El Dorado, and El Dorado had what I was looking for. Well worth a 30-minute drive! So now I have three new babies -- one Barred Plymouth Rock, one Buff Orpington, and one California White Leghorn, to eventually be put in with the Gold Sex-Link and the Black Australorp I already have. What can I say? I like a colorful flock! So fun to have babies again! Thanks again!
My 2 barred rock babies adopted me quick :)
I hate moving! Hopefully the POD will make it easier. I love tile floors! Have fun today!
Thanks, Taz! We picked out some really neat tile that we had seen on HGTV-- it looks sort of like brushed linen for the bathrooms and laundry room, and the kitchen floor will look like leather texture. I swear, it's NOT over the top crazy-- it's very neutral I think. We realize we're likely selling the house, so we kept it modern, tasteful and not too "out there". But I think anyone will appreciate the choices we made-- it will certainly not look cookie cutter! And we'll get to enjoy it for a couple of months! I think it'll class up this joint! hahaha But I LOVE the ease of tile-- so easy to keep clean and don't have to worry about wet on it.

Hawkeye, good luck on getting your floors done, that will be nice when it's finished. Are you doing the countertops in the kitchen too? It's just too bad you have to do the remodeling to move, it would be nicer if you could do it & stay
. Hey I had a hen last night when I went out to put everybody in that was gasping for air & I just figured she wouldn't make it through the night, but she did & looks somewhat better today. What would you treat them with, I figure I better treat them all now because she's been in with my whole laying flock. I have Tylan & I have Sulmet & I can't remember right now what other one I have. I left the coop door open last night to let more fresh air in & all the windows because the ammonia is getting strong in there, this may be the issue & not any other illness. I started cleaning my coop out yesterday, but only got about half way with taking the old bedding out. I will go out again after while & continue with shoveling it out. I'm thinking the extra fresh air helped this hen & that's why she's better today. What do you all think? I guess I'll just try to get all the old bedding out, I've been needing to do this because it has built up pretty high over the winter, but was waiting for this warmer weather to do it. I normally use the DLM & clean it out every 6 months & I can usually tell by the end of that time that it's time to do it.

The little goats are doing well today. I took my DH out with me to feed little Penny her bottle this morning, he got a kick out of that. She is so darned cute, you can't help but fall in love with her. She follows you around like a little puppy. She yelled really loud when we walked away after feeding her & Patches came over to see what was wrong with her, that was cute.
Yes, we are going to do the counter tops, too! But we're going to wait to do that until we need to sign and then we'll do it. We're sort of still holding out for a miracle here. I don't think it's coming, but if it does, then we can rip it out and do our addition. The existing kitchen will then be a mud-room, so the new tile in there won't go to waste, it'll be nice to have a jump on it. I'm so glad your DH is loving the baby goat! She just sounds adorable! Nice that she's so friendly and wants to follow you! :) I don't know what is up with your bird. Is she showing any signs of illness this morning? If not, I'd hold off on the drugs. BUT, if she still seems sick, you could start with the Tylan. Or you could give it another day and wait and see... Maybe it'll clear up with the new bedding. It's time to clean out my coops, too.

Thanks ever so much, Sunflowerparrot and Trish44! I'd forgotten about Orscheln's -- I called the ones in Newton and El Dorado, and El Dorado had what I was looking for. Well worth a 30-minute drive! So now I have three new babies -- one Barred Plymouth Rock, one Buff Orpington, and one California White Leghorn, to eventually be put in with the Gold Sex-Link and the Black Australorp I already have. What can I say? I like a colorful flock! So fun to have babies again! Thanks again!
So glad you got what you wanted! Chicks are cute! But they sure are messy! I have a few barred rock chicks in my garage right now and they are constantly knocking the water and feed over. They eat a TON too!

Been a pretty successful day, I think. We picked out our tile, we already knew the wood that was going back in. We picked out new carpet for downstairs. I hate carpet and was going to do a solid flooring down there (my Dh was totally on board with it, too), but the flooring guy talked us out of it. He does a lot of the Parade of Homes and says that people WANT carpet downstairs. I didn't realize that. We have a view-out-- so it's hardly a basement, it's not going to be really that safe in a tornado, so it's more of a glorified floor that sits a couple feet below the ground with large windows. I wasn't happy, but we picked out carpet again. I figure I won't be living here, and we need to make the most people happy. ah well!! It's okay, it will make it warmer down there. And nice fresh and new carpet will be nice.
Hawkeye I think I would have opted for an engineered wood cause it is safe on concrete and sub level areas, then thrown a couple of area rugs down. You get the best of both worlds that way. But that is just me. Tile is wonderful but it's too cold on a sub-level floor.
I got up at 4:30 after being up till midnight and I am still working. I just had to take a small break. Then I leave again by 6:45 AM to go back to the auction. Hawkeye I delivered birds for the auction this morning. The turkeys and doves are sold to a private party who is going to pick them up there. No I didn't get a great price because he is a breeder but it gets me down by about 14 birds.
I wanted to share with all of you a link to Etsy and the hat my daughter made for me. I sent her pictures of Robs hat and tried to describe a few changes I wanted but she came up with all the detail on her own. She posted a couple pics on her facebook page and got a couple orders already for more of them plus matching sweaters. I told her I would promote this with my chicken friends so here I am.
My daughter is an RN and had a delusional patient jump on her from the bed. It ruptured 5 disks in her back. She has already had 3 surgeries and is having yet another one to fuse 2 more disks in April. She lost her job because she couldn't get around. She's a single Mother of three and has no income other than some unemployment until they go back to court for more work comp. Unfortunately she was living by her means which means now she is having a hard time making ends meet. I think she did an awesome job on this hat I asked her to make for me and I figured you guys would love it. It could also be a step forward toward next years Christmas gifts. The model is my granddaughter that comes from Colorado to spend time with me in the summer.
Here's the link:
Gotta go catch some turkeys!
Hawkeye I think I would have opted for an engineered wood cause it is safe on concrete and sub level areas, then thrown a couple of area rugs down. You get the best of both worlds that way. But that is just me. Tile is wonderful but it's too cold on a sub-level floor.
I got up at 4:30 after being up till midnight and I am still working. I just had to take a small break. Then I leave again by 6:45 AM to go back to the auction. Hawkeye I delivered birds for the auction this morning. The turkeys and doves are sold to a private party who is going to pick them up there. No I didn't get a great price because he is a breeder but it gets me down by about 14 birds.
I wanted to share with all of you a link to Etsy and the hat my daughter made for me. I sent her pictures of Robs hat and tried to describe a few changes I wanted but she came up with all the detail on her own. She posted a couple pics on her facebook page and got a couple orders already for more of them plus matching sweaters. I told her I would promote this with my chicken friends so here I am.
My daughter is an RN and had a delusional patient jump on her from the bed. It ruptured 5 disks in her back. She has already had 3 surgeries and is having yet another one to fuse 2 more disks in April. She lost her job because she couldn't get around. She's a single Mother of three and has no income other than some unemployment until they go back to court for more work comp. Unfortunately she was living by her means which means now she is having a hard time making ends meet. I think she did an awesome job on this hat I asked her to make for me and I figured you guys would love it. It could also be a step forward toward next years Christmas gifts. The model is my granddaughter that comes from Colorado to spend time with me in the summer.
Here's the link:
Gotta go catch some turkeys!

Super cute hat and model.

I have a question my Roo has started to mate with my black star she hasn't layed yet but every time he tries to mount one of my BO hens attacks them. Yesterday the BO hen had a mouth full of black feathers. Is this normal she doesn't do this when he mates the other hens
Oh Nooooooooooooo! I just zapped my message! Well, it'll have to be the condensed version and I'm very sorry for the ones I won't remember.

pikeman, that naughty broody! I raised her better than that!

danz, I hope you make it through all these long hours without getting sick. That's what happens to me when I over do.

hawkeye, sounds like you've got your hands really full! It will be so nice once it's all done and I so hope you end up staying. Carpeting in the basement is nice on the feet.

trish44, you and I were both cleaning out our coops today! DH took me to a Dr appointment today, that went much better than expected, and after eating out and stopping at Walmart I finally made it home. I quickly rallied the troops (our kids) and we got 'er done in a hurry!
I am so serious though, those kids can move! After finding mites, treating all the birds and then powdering everything, all I could think about was getting all the old shavings out of there. It was due anyway, but I just hate mites. They are so sneaky! We took one of the banks of nest boxes out too, so it made it a bit roomier. We put PDZ down on the bare concrete (wish I had dirt) then put all new wood shavings down and topped it all off with Sevin! Done and done. Feels great! I'm so glad your DH enjoyed feeding the little goat! That's nice.

michelleml, I wanted to tell you that I have a young Wellie roo right now who is trying to get the hang of the mating thing. Everytime he tries to mate, one of the big bossy Cornish hens dashes over and bonks him on the head or pulls his feathers. He's getting very little accomplished between this guardian angel chicken and ... our teeny tiny little Serama roo! It is just hilarious that this little bitty thing goes after that Wellie with a huge attitude. He's tiny but he is such an upright little guy he looks really, well, cocky! Watching him chase that Wellie roo off, who easily makes 3 of Bertram the Serama, is so funny. I think it's pretty normal and as the Wellie matures he'll establish himself as the man. Has anyone had a cockerel who was absolutely kept at bay by the girls past the earliest stages? I have another Speckled Sussex cockerel about the same age who gets Bertramed and Cornished too! It's just silly they don't notice how big they are in relation to the tiny little Roo. The Cornish are a bit more intimidating but they're just hatchery cornish so not like the big blocky ones.
How did your move go Hawkeye?


Eeeekity eek!! Was anyone else so happy when they finally got them?
I will post coop and chicky pics tomorrow!!
How did your move go Hawkeye?


Eeeekity eek!! Was anyone else so happy when they finally got them?
I will post coop and chicky pics tomorrow!!

Oh I was very eeeekity eek!
Yay for pics and congrats! So much fun!

Hawkeye is just remodeling right now and hoping she won't have to move. If she does, the house will be ready to sell.
Hawkeye I think I would have opted for an engineered wood cause it is safe on concrete and sub level areas, then thrown a couple of area rugs down. You get the best of both worlds that way. But that is just me. Tile is wonderful but it's too cold on a sub-level floor.
I got up at 4:30 after being up till midnight and I am still working. I just had to take a small break. Then I leave again by 6:45 AM to go back to the auction. Hawkeye I delivered birds for the auction this morning. The turkeys and doves are sold to a private party who is going to pick them up there. No I didn't get a great price because he is a breeder but it gets me down by about 14 birds.
I wanted to share with all of you a link to Etsy and the hat my daughter made for me. I sent her pictures of Robs hat and tried to describe a few changes I wanted but she came up with all the detail on her own. She posted a couple pics on her facebook page and got a couple orders already for more of them plus matching sweaters. I told her I would promote this with my chicken friends so here I am.
My daughter is an RN and had a delusional patient jump on her from the bed. It ruptured 5 disks in her back. She has already had 3 surgeries and is having yet another one to fuse 2 more disks in April. She lost her job because she couldn't get around. She's a single Mother of three and has no income other than some unemployment until they go back to court for more work comp. Unfortunately she was living by her means which means now she is having a hard time making ends meet. I think she did an awesome job on this hat I asked her to make for me and I figured you guys would love it. It could also be a step forward toward next years Christmas gifts. The model is my granddaughter that comes from Colorado to spend time with me in the summer.
Here's the link:
Gotta go catch some turkeys!
Danz, that hat is adorable, she should be able to sell those really well. Can she put an ad on the Buy, Sell, Trade on here? Well at least you sold 14 birds, that is 14 less to feed.
How did your move go Hawkeye?


Eeeekity eek!! Was anyone else so happy when they finally got them?
I will post coop and chicky pics tomorrow!!
Congrats on the new chickens! We all get excited about new chicks even if we already have 50 or 100 already.

Karen, yes I have been working on cleaning out my main coop for two days now. I finally got all the old shavings out this evening after 11 or 12 big wheelbarrow loads full taken down to the compost pile. Wow, that was a lot of work & I didn't have a crew of munchkins to help me, just myself. I got all the old stuff out & swept the floors & then put a new layer of pine shavings in along with DE & Sevin. I didn't get the whole outside run cleaned out as of yet, I made a start on it, but I was just done in tonight by the time I got all that done & regular chores. My poor baby goat had to wait an hour later to get her bottle because I just had to finish that coop tonight. Oh & Hawkeye that hen seems fine now, I watched her all day today & she was no longer gasping & just ranged around with all the rest of them like nothing ever happened. My conclusion is that she just inhaled too much ammonia from the dirty shavings & after she got fresh air it cleared it out. Sometimes it just pays to wait & watch for a bit, I'm glad I didn't jump to start them all on an antibiotic right off. Anyway, now they have a clean coop with fresh shavings & it should be good for another 6 months. I have a couple of other pens that need to be cleaned out next that haven't been cleaned all winter, so that will be for another day. I'm so tired tonight I couldn't even make it to the grocery store, my body just gave out & told me I had done enough for today. I could barely make it into the house after all the bird & animal chores & my back is hurting so bad now & my hands too. I'm so glad to have that big job done now though, it's a really big relief. Oh & I took down some of my tarps on the sides of the run & one of the pens today. I have more to take down another day.

I had thought it was supposed to be colder tomorrow, but it looks like they pushed it back to Sunday now & 50% chance of rain that day. So maybe tomorrow will be a good day for doing the shopping since I need a day to recover from all I did today. I don't think I could do that again tomorrow if I wanted to.
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