Consolidated Kansas

That's great HEChicken. Glad your dogs were on the watch. I was just talking to someone today who is going to be moving to the country and plans to get an LGD. She currently lives in the city and can't let her chickens even out on the ground in a pen because the neighbor's terrier just digs under anything. That would only happen one time for me. She said it would dig under the chain link fence then dig into any other kind of pen to get to the birds.
My DH spent several hours building a box and changing wiring for the bird pens today. Hopefully it will make it all more waterproof and safer for all those water bowls and stuff I have out there.
I got a cookie tin heater put out in the last house and got water set up in there. Next week we are supposed to get some more heated dog water bowls so I won't have to rig up any more stuff.
It was gloomy and cloudy all day and just felt like winter. I am ready for spring again!!!
Well obviously Walmart has had their system breached by some one probably many times. I want to stress though that you can't hold Walmart as a company at fault. It could happen to any business. I've had my credit card compromised by using it at gas stations at least two times before. Unfortunately unless you want to hand the cashier a wad of cash that is about your only option. It is good to know there are some problems with their website though. Whomever it is that hacked their system was smart enough to go for a prepaid card where the chance of being caught was lower.
Lizzy I am sorry that this happened with Ethan's gifts.
I have ordered from several times and never had a problem. But maybe I'll change my strategy a little. They just happen to have some things on line I can't get in the stores. So maybe using a prepaid credit card would be the safest way....something with no balance left!!!
That was the reason I bought stuff on line. I can't prove that is where it happened because this is my online usage cc, but that was the only thing the two times had in common. I use a CC at Walmart all the time, just not at

Some banks will give you a temporary cc number to use if you are suspicious of the buyer -- a sort of one-use number. You might check with your bank or cc company on that.
Hello all. I've been very busy at work so didn't get much Internet time. I saw the last few pages of posts on predators and it reminded me of the fox attack which caused great damage to my rooster's eye. He never did recover from it so is now blind in that eye. I've seem a family of red fox just 2 blocks from where I live on north side of town in the city so I know they are there. Having LGDs help. I have been hearing a lot of howling just when the sun was setting so I know without the dogs, they will come and have a meal out of my birds! My old horse stall converted coop is not secure so now I feel better knowing the birds are safe. Granted, I did have casualties from the dogs when they first got here but I have gotten that under control.

Lizzy, so sorry the gift card was stolen! My DH had his business credit card stolen just by using it at a gas station. Those thieves are every where! They pray whenever they can. I've ordered a trampoline and a set of dumbbells from before. Now that I know their system is compromised, I'll be more careful next time when I purchase something online.

With the weather getting bad, I have made sure my open air coop doesn't have draft. I reused the heavy duty tarps I bought last year. I think I can get another year out of them. The winter cold really does a number on even the thicker tarps. The wind just whips and shreds them up bad.

I bought another heated water dog bowl as a spare. I don't want to be caught unprepared in the cold winter. I also used 4 black rubber bowls for the ducks and dogs. Hopefully their water will stay thawed during the day.

Stay warm everyone. I heard the Wichita and surrounding areas will be getting the sleet and frozen stuff. I so don't want it. I much prefer the white stuff if it is going to come down from the sky this time of year!
eek my new golden sebright I just got last weekend is sick. my rooster has a runny nose and both eyes goopy. he is eating drinking and seems to be acting normal I have treated him with vetrx and duramycin...I hope that helps that's all I could find in my area and being after hours. I came home from work and found him in the state that he is in. what does everybody else do to treat for runny nose and goopy eyes.
I've had the best luck with Denagard, which is an antibiotic that has to be ordered online. It isn't a miracle cure, but it does handle a lot of the respiratory type infections.
My DH spent several hours building a box and changing wiring for the bird pens today. Hopefully it will make it all more waterproof and safer for all those water bowls and stuff I have out there.
I got a cookie tin heater put out in the last house and got water set up in there. Next week we are supposed to get some more heated dog water bowls so I won't have to rig up any more stuff.
My husband made me a cookie tin heater! Do you sit a plastic waterer on top of yours? I know I have seen photos like that but just wanted to double check!
I had a question about feed.

I recenlty switched to layer pellets from chick crumbles. It seems like I am filling the feed container a lot LESS than I use to. do the pellets last longer becuase there is less dust with it and its most solid so it looks like there is more, or are they maybe not eating as well as they used to?
I had a question about feed.

I recenlty switched to layer pellets from chick crumbles. It seems like I am filling the feed container a lot LESS than I use to. do the pellets last longer becuase there is less dust with it and its most solid so it looks like there is more, or are they maybe not eating as well as they used to?
Hmmm....I've never noticed a reduction going from crumbles to layer. I do prefer pellets because there seems to be less waste - i.e., they don't bill them out as easily and when they do, can easily spot them on the coop floor and clean up after themselves. I was glad when I found a source for Purina Flock Raiser pellets, so now I have mine on pellets as soon as they graduate from medicated chick starter, and overall I find it less messy. But I've never really noticed an actual reduction in feed.

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