Consolidated Kansas

Hmmm....I've never noticed a reduction going from crumbles to layer. I do prefer pellets because there seems to be less waste - i.e., they don't bill them out as easily and when they do, can easily spot them on the coop floor and clean up after themselves. I was glad when I found a source for Purina Flock Raiser pellets, so now I have mine on pellets as soon as they graduate from medicated chick starter, and overall I find it less messy. But I've never really noticed an actual reduction in feed.
I also rehomed the roosters, maybe that is why it seems like less now? I also bought a small bag of scratch to give them once a day, its about empty so I can see if they seem to eat more now?
Hmmm....I've never noticed a reduction going from crumbles to layer.  I do prefer pellets because there seems to be less waste - i.e., they don't bill them out as easily and when they do, can easily spot them on the coop floor and clean up after themselves.  I was glad when I found a source for Purina Flock Raiser pellets, so now I have mine on pellets as soon as they graduate from medicated chick starter, and overall I find it less messy.  But I've never really noticed an actual reduction in feed.

Hechicken, can you share where you get your flock raiser? I'm looking to see where I can get it in bulk or at least as reasonably priced per bag as possible. I normally feed them chicks starter till 12 weeks old then switch to pellets. It's definitely less messy compared to crumbles.
Over 100 posts behind. I didn't think it had been that long since I was here! Either that, or you all have been busy. I don't know if I'll manage to skim back 10 pages or not.

Ash, DH will often switch back and forth between crumbles and pellets, depending on which is cheaper. We both think they go through crumbles faster, so I'm not sure it's really cheaper. It probably is that the crumbles turn to dust so quickly.

We got some of the major yard stuff done, but there's still some cleanup to do. We may have put it off too long; I hope not.

Remember all that complaining I did about my hens not laying? They're making up for it now! I'm afraid to give any of my eggs to the in-laws though, in case we go through another dry spell.

I hope everyone's doing well and staying warm.
That's great HEChicken. Glad your dogs were on the watch. I was just talking to someone today who is going to be moving to the country and plans to get an LGD. She currently lives in the city and can't let her chickens even out on the ground in a pen because the neighbor's terrier just digs under anything. That would only happen one time for me. She said it would dig under the chain link fence then dig into any other kind of pen to get to the birds.
My DH spent several hours building a box and changing wiring for the bird pens today. Hopefully it will make it all more waterproof and safer for all those water bowls and stuff I have out there.
I got a cookie tin heater put out in the last house and got water set up in there. Next week we are supposed to get some more heated dog water bowls so I won't have to rig up any more stuff.
It was gloomy and cloudy all day and just felt like winter. I am ready for spring again!!!

Danz, I was just at Orschelyn's in Ark City a couple of days ago & they had the heated dog water bowls on sale. I don't know is they still are, but you could probably check online. I usually try to buy some when they're on sale.

Lizzy, I'm sorry that happened to you, I haven't had a problem ordering on, but after this I may be more cautious.

HEChicken, it sounds like you're getting things all cozy for the sheep & goats. I put straw in my goat shelter & it faces south, so they should be OK in there. I'm glad your dogs were alert & let you know about the intruder. My GPs sure have been busy at night lately. I heard coyotes really close tonight & they were right on it. I'm so thankful to have these dogs here to chase things off, otherwise I wouldn't have a bird or animal left I'm sure. I would worry about those baby lambs out there too.

I've been so busy the last few days, I'm just catching myself coming & going. Today I had to run to Wellington & then to Oxford to pick up some rabbit cages & then a hog panel. I got back with those things & then I got the rabbit cages set up in the garage & moved the rabbits into them & gave them a feeder & waterer. These cages are for my two bigger rabbits & they're a bit bigger cages than the ones for my small rabbits, but not as big as the ones I sold, so they should be a lot easier to clean out. I have all the panels I need now to build another hoop coop in the spring. I will have to get all the wood for the frame, but at least I have the hoop part now. After I got all the rabbits set up I worked on the garage some more & didn't come in the house till 10:30. I've got about two or three more loads of trash to take out & a few things to carry in the house that I want to sell & then finally my DH can get his car back in. He has had to park it outside in the driveway all summer & he hasn't been happy about it. I've been doing a major cleanout of the garage & there is a lot less stuff in there now. There is one area behind some sheetrock & other building materials that I'm not going to bother with till spring. It's not that big of an area so it won't be that bad to do later.
eek my new golden sebright I just got last weekend is sick. my rooster has a runny nose and both eyes goopy. he is eating drinking and seems to be acting normal I have treated him with vetrx and duramycin...I hope that helps that's all I could find in my area and being after hours. I came home from work and found him in the state that he is in. what does everybody else do to treat for runny nose and goopy eyes.
He probably picked it up at the show. One reason why I personally won't show birds...that and I'd never find the time. I haven't had really good luck with Denaguard myself. I have the best of luck with tylan. But it is VERY pricy and you have to order the powder to mix with water on line. You can buy injectable which is cheaper but if you have lots of sick birds that becomes impractical to give them all shots every day. If he is still eating and drinking and acting normal I personally would wait on antibiotics. But that is just because I feel antibiotics are over used. You can't treat a virus with antibiotics just the infections that might result from the antibiotics. I think sometimes we weaken their systems by giving antibiotics so they do in fact a secondary infection. I grew up during the age when penicillin was still considered a bit of a miracle. The doctors prescribed it and then amoxicillin for everything. I really think that all those antibiotics wrecked my health. I can't take either on of those any more.
I have a nephew who was born in Germany. His Dad is a German doctor. He is 26 years old now and has never had an antibiotic in his life. He is probably the healthiest kid I know. He has also not been sick like most kids were.
My husband made me a cookie tin heater! Do you sit a plastic waterer on top of yours? I know I have seen photos like that but just wanted to double check!
The metal ones conduct heat better but yes I use plastic on some. I think the answer to that lies in what size bulb you have in your heater, determining how hot it gets.
One thing I have done with a couple of mine is to take a pottery or ceramic plant saucer and set it inside under the bulb in it, instead of having the bulb directly on the metal. This conducts the heat and also keeps the bottom of the heater from getting too hot from the light bulb on metal. It actually works a lot like a convection heater that way and in my opinion makes it a little safer. One cookie tin I had is a bit taller so I have it set up with the plant saucer and just set it near one of those rubber water pans. It puts out enough heat that it keeps the water from freezing and also warms the general area just a little. In that case the birds were a little short to reach it well so it really worked out.
I had a question about feed.

I recenlty switched to layer pellets from chick crumbles. It seems like I am filling the feed container a lot LESS than I use to. do the pellets last longer becuase there is less dust with it and its most solid so it looks like there is more, or are they maybe not eating as well as they used to?
Back when I used bagged feed I didn't use as much when I used pellets. First I don't think my birds liked it as well so they ate less. And second there is less waste. I guarantee if you are feeding scratch too they are going to go for that first. I've been considering whether to buy my own pelletizer. A major expense. But I feel I may end up saving money in the long run if I made my own pellets.
The weather has moved in. I woke up to drizzly rain. It's at the high for the day right now. According to the hourly forecast it is steadily going down hill all day. I am NOT looking forward to this weather.
My DH was going to go to Emporia today and I thought I had all the birds shut up last night. Obviously I missed latching one gate. I was going to have him take a bunch of birds to a family up there but the ones that aren't in the pen this morning are the ones I was going to get rid of. Figures! I was looking forward to having a few less birds to feed.The people are having vehicle trouble so haven't come got them. I offered to have him bring them when he went that direction. Now that idea just went down the tubes.
Trish that is why I am waiting until next week. I found the heated water bowls I really like on sale at a great price but they are sold out. I got a raincheck and am waiting for the next shipment to come in. They are almost half what I can buy them for elsewhere.
It was 52 when I got up this morning and has already dropped to 40 and it is raining steadily here. I think the "wintry mix" they said would arrive this afternoon came early. I am so glad I got the hay shelter completed in the almost dark last night. I gave the sheep and goats their grain in there this morning since it is raining and it is dry and out of the wind so they are happy. The new little lambs already learned to go into the dog igloo that the goats used to use, so I'm less concerned about them than I was - they should be snug and warm in there and be completely out of the wind, since the igloo is under the horse shelter so already has some protection.

Most of the birds are staying in the coop this morning - just a few of the braver ones are out battling the wind and rain. Of course, the ducks are out in it and think it is wonderful. At least the ones that didn't spend the night at the pond last night.
He probably picked it up at the show. One reason why I personally won't show birds...that and I'd never find the time. I haven't had really good luck with Denaguard myself. I have the best of luck with tylan. But it is VERY pricy and you have to order the powder to mix with water on line. You can buy injectable which is cheaper but if you have lots of sick birds that becomes impractical to give them all shots every day. If he is still eating and drinking and acting normal I personally would wait on antibiotics. But that is just because I feel antibiotics are over used. You can't treat a virus with antibiotics just the infections that might result from the antibiotics. I think sometimes we weaken their systems by giving antibiotics so they do in fact a secondary infection. I grew up during the age when penicillin was still considered a bit of a miracle. The doctors prescribed it and then amoxicillin for everything. I really think that all those antibiotics wrecked my health. I can't take either on of those any more.
So what do you recommened to do for them when they seem to have a slight "sneeze" sound (ha, I have no idea if it has a name) Since you say to try to wait for a antibiotic. This is for the new chicks I recenlty got, could just going from a transfer and moving to a new home lower their ability to fight stuff? Also, is there any in local stores that might help or is everything something that is ordered online?
I recommend using Vetrx and giving probiotics. If you don't have any, try just giving some plain yogurt. I buy goat probiotics at TSC and one little bottle lasts forever. It's in a white plastic container. If you are giving antibiotics I recommend the probiotics as well. Normally if you start antibiotics you need to continue them for a given number of days so the germs don't regenerate and become stronger. If after a few days you see no improvement then you can switch to another antibiotic or stop treatment. If I see no improvement in 3-5 days I normally reassess and start a different treatment course. There are so many different things that can cause illness in chickens and there really is no way to tell what you are dealing with. I really wish I had all the answers. Some people recommend getting them on antibiotics right away but I just have my own belief system when it comes to that. Good healthy food and fresh air etc seem to work the best for bird health.
Unfortunately as I have gotten more into specific breeds and more expensive birds I've had to keep more and more birds in pens. I really hate that because I would prefer they all free range. It sure seems I am paying the price as well in health issues.
Hello all! long time no chat! Things have been REALLY busy here as I try to keep up with life as a new parent. I'm hopping online now to share with you about something that recently happened to us that I hope to prevent from happening to you during this holiday season. We were given Walmart gift cards for baby showers. I consolidated them to one card to prevent me from losing any of them. This card had nearly $150 on it. I went to use it yesterday and was told it had a ZERO BALANCE! I looked at the history that provided, and it said that the card had been emptied in San Marcos, California. I have never been to California, much less San Marcos. I called the local Walmart store as well as and was told that there is nothing they can do because they treat gift cards like cash.

Good job dogs! I kinda laughed at your barking all night thing! I was thinking about our dogs last night at around 10 PM and it was dead silent out there. Funny thing is, our dogs don't bark all night either, really. They bark when they hear stuff. Molly was hanging out napping on the porch, BUT, if anything rustles out there in her yard she is on it! I am kind of amazed at what she can hear with her old lady ears.
You gotta love guardian dogs! Ours may not be the official LGD breeds, and they don't bark all night, but last night they went crazy barking so DH went out to see what was up and with his super high beam flashlight, he could see two eyes reflected back at him and the outline of an animal and it was BIG. He watched it move along our fence line and out the gate, but couldn't tell for sure what it was. I suspect it was probably a dog. Even though all the birds were locked up safe, with our two new little lambs - who are real babies - think mini-schnauzer sized - I worry about something getting in and getting them, so I'm very appreciative of the dogs alerting us to the intruder.

Tweety-did both dogs come back or just the one? I hear you on the weather, I hate freezing rain/sleet mess, would much rather it just snow, safer for traveling.
Hello all. I've been very busy at work so didn't get much Internet time. I saw the last few pages of posts on predators and it reminded me of the fox attack which caused great damage to my rooster's eye. He never did recover from it so is now blind in that eye. I've seem a family of red fox just 2 blocks from where I live on north side of town in the city so I know they are there. Having LGDs help. I have been hearing a lot of howling just when the sun was setting so I know without the dogs, they will come and have a meal out of my birds! My old horse stall converted coop is not secure so now I feel better knowing the birds are safe. Granted, I did have casualties from the dogs when they first got here but I have gotten that under control.

Lizzy, so sorry the gift card was stolen! My DH had his business credit card stolen just by using it at a gas station. Those thieves are every where! They pray whenever they can. I've ordered a trampoline and a set of dumbbells from before. Now that I know their system is compromised, I'll be more careful next time when I purchase something online.

With the weather getting bad, I have made sure my open air coop doesn't have draft. I reused the heavy duty tarps I bought last year. I think I can get another year out of them. The winter cold really does a number on even the thicker tarps. The wind just whips and shreds them up bad.

I bought another heated water dog bowl as a spare. I don't want to be caught unprepared in the cold winter. I also used 4 black rubber bowls for the ducks and dogs. Hopefully their water will stay thawed during the day.

Stay warm everyone. I heard the Wichita and surrounding areas will be getting the sleet and frozen stuff. I so don't want it. I much prefer the white stuff if it is going to come down from the sky this time of year!

Chickens! Hahaha, pun intended. My birds out and about, they apparently don't care if its lousy out, even the half bald ones! That wellie roo has himself ONE official girlfriend! She is a maran/orp cross and they crack me up. He escorts her all over the yard like she is dipped in gold.
It was 52 when I got up this morning and has already dropped to 40 and it is raining steadily here. I think the "wintry mix" they said would arrive this afternoon came early. I am so glad I got the hay shelter completed in the almost dark last night. I gave the sheep and goats their grain in there this morning since it is raining and it is dry and out of the wind so they are happy. The new little lambs already learned to go into the dog igloo that the goats used to use, so I'm less concerned about them than I was - they should be snug and warm in there and be completely out of the wind, since the igloo is under the horse shelter so already has some protection.

Most of the birds are staying in the coop this morning - just a few of the braver ones are out battling the wind and rain. Of course, the ducks are out in it and think it is wonderful. At least the ones that didn't spend the night at the pond last night.

Danz-I feel like you asked about the depth on the open air coops a while back...anyways, I read a short book that was written in the 1920s I believe on open air coops and that was their recommended depth for a three sided shelter. Evidently it used to be how everyone kept their birds and then people started building box type coops. So far it has worked great and the birds seem very happy with their living quarters.

I am very far behind so sorry I just multied a few, I have read but not posted for a bit! Miss Amelia is getting her first tooth! It is the sharpest little thing I have ever felt, overall she seems to be in good spirits despite the possible discomfort, except at night when she has been waking up a lot more but I am sure it will be short lived.

Everyone stay warm!
LOL on the old lady ears. I think my tri-colored may be getting a little hard of hearing. She is only 7 but at night when I call them to come down to the chicken yard for the night, she used to always be the first to run down to me. The last couple of weeks it seems she doesn't hear me calling and I have to walk up and get her. I keep calling as I'm walking and about the time I get halfway up the yard, she will come racing around the corner to me. I don't think she's being "naughty" - I think she just really doesn't hear me until I'm closer these days.

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