Consolidated Kansas

OH-- BTW, my little splash silkie went broody yesterday-- or maybe the day before. I have been kicking her out of the nest and taking her eggs. But she has been sitting on nothing for two days, and I took pity on her this morning. I checked under her and she had laid another egg and was on it. Then right before we left, I checked her again and my other hen had laid an egg and she had already stolen it and moved it under her, too. Since I'm not sure these things are even fertile, I took the new egg and just left her with the one. I stuck all the others I've been collecting into the incubator this afternoon and we'll see if there's anything in them. I have another trial set in there, but we're on day 8 and they look clear. I was giving them a day or two more to be sure before I toss them out. I'm not sure Zorro has figured out which end is which... but maybe he has.
If she's determined to be broody, I'll move her to her own pen so I can put the food next to her.
I think that is bizarre that an ordinance would only allow for ONE bird-- when most people understand they are 'herd/flock' animals. I wonder what idiot dreamed up that one.

The selection wasn't great right now-- even though they had just gotten chicks in. I'd wait until their next shipment and then go out there.
I agree - an ordinance allowing only one bird is insane. Clearly someone who has never been around animals. I even think the ones that only allow two aren't good, because if you have two and something happens to one of them, you are still left with a lone bird.

Yeah, waiting until next shipment is sort of the way I was leaning too. I did get my brooder all set up this afternoon though, so it is ready to go when the time comes.

I found out this our new county, we will need a bldg permit to build a shed (possibly you do where we are now too, but I didn't look it up so built our current shed in blissful ignorance). There is an exception if the shed is 10x12 or smaller. I was planning on 10x14. Now I'm thinking maybe I'll just build 2 smaller coops on the concrete slab instead.
In order to get the permit you have to submit detailed plans, costs, the cost of the permit is determined by them AFTER you have done the above & they have assessed its value, and then you are subject to inspections of the work, etc. It all just sounds a bit much. Currently my flock consists only of LF (except for a bantam Sultan DD talked me into last year) but I want to expand to Guinea Fowl and Turkeys at the new place. I also have plans to get Silkies and possibly bantam Cochins as broodies, so perhaps instead of one big coop that houses them all, it will be better to have two coops anyway and be able to split them up if they're not getting along.
OH-- BTW, my little splash silkie went broody yesterday-- or maybe the day before. I have been kicking her out of the nest and taking her eggs. But she has been sitting on nothing for two days, and I took pity on her this morning. I checked under her and she had laid another egg and was on it. Then right before we left, I checked her again and my other hen had laid an egg and she had already stolen it and moved it under her, too. Since I'm not sure these things are even fertile, I took the new egg and just left her with the one. I stuck all the others I've been collecting into the incubator this afternoon and we'll see if there's anything in them. I have another trial set in there, but we're on day 8 and they look clear. I was giving them a day or two more to be sure before I toss them out. I'm not sure Zorro has figured out which end is which... but maybe he has.
If she's determined to be broody, I'll move her to her own pen so I can put the food next to her.

That's great news! (At least it would be for me). The best part is the timing because even if nothing hatches in your incubator or under her, you can always get some chicks during chick days and put them under after she's been sitting for the 3 weeks, and she'll raise them up for you.
But now I don't know when I'm even going to get there to GET the chicks. DD said she wants to come with me this weekend but I'm afraid by then the pickings will be slim and I'm starting to think maybe I need to wait until next week's delivery. What do y'all think?

Tonya - regarding brooding indoors. After posting that, it did occur to me that your realtor might prefer not to show the house with brooding chicks in it. I dunno. I figure if a buyer can't figure out that the things IN the house at the time they're looking will be GONE by the time they move in, well, maybe they shouldn't be looking at real estate. But realtors always seem real concerned about making a place look as neutral/non-lived in as possible. Me? When I'm looking at houses I kinda like seeing photos of the family that lives there up on the wall - makes it feel like I'm looking at someone's home and not just a building - but maybe I'm not like most people?

I would wait until next week. The realtor said no. That having chicks in the house would harm the selling so all I can hope for is that it sells asap and we find a house that has what we need/want before it gets too late in the year.
Well tnt, there are always people hatching from BYC, so even if you don't get moved right away I'll bet you can find some chicks somewhere. You may have to drive a little bit further to find them, but I know some people who hatch all the time. Hint, hint, Danz & Chooks. I guess it will depend on what breeds you want too. I hope you find a house somewhere where you can have more room & more chickens, he, he.

I'm really thinking of going back to Orschelyn's to see about getting a couple black stars & maybe a couple barred rocks. My barred rocks & sex links are my best layers, so I'm thinking maybe I want to have some chicks lined up to cover when these go into molt this fall. I've got to get out in the garage though & get my space cleared out so I can set up that brooder. I've just been back & forth about going to get them because they will be about 2 months older than the other chicks I'm getting in April. I guess that would have them laying two months earlier than the others possibly if I think of it that way. It would just be a matter of housing two sets of younger birds. I"ll probably end up down there getting some before it's all over, they seem to be calling to me. I should never have gone down there while there were chicks in those bins, I should know better. Last year I had young birds, so it didn't tempt me in the least, but this year is a whole different ballgame.
I am asking for prayers for SeramasLovers.(Jenny).

I guess I haven't met her yet, but she and her family will definitely be in my thoughts!! It's sad when the support that keeps the whole family strong has to rely on those same ones.

OH-- BTW, my little splash silkie went broody yesterday-- or maybe the day before. If she's determined to be broody, I'll move her to her own pen so I can put the food next to her.

Good luck!! I think it's great when someone lets their bird hatch eggs once they go broody! It's tough for me to fight against nature. I'm sure she'll be a great mama!

I found out this our new county, we will need a bldg permit to build a shed (possibly you do where we are now too, but I didn't look it up so built our current shed in blissful ignorance). There is an exception if the shed is 10x12 or smaller. I was planning on 10x14. Now I'm thinking maybe I'll just build 2 smaller coops on the concrete slab instead.
In order to get the permit you have to submit detailed plans, costs, the cost of the permit is determined by them AFTER you have done the above & they have assessed its value, and then you are subject to inspections of the work, etc. It all just sounds a bit much. Currently my flock consists only of LF (except for a bantam Sultan DD talked me into last year) but I want to expand to Guinea Fowl and Turkeys at the new place. I also have plans to get Silkies and possibly bantam Cochins as broodies, so perhaps instead of one big coop that houses them all, it will be better to have two coops anyway and be able to split them up if they're not getting along.
Can you still play the plausable denyability and forget that you looked it up this time? hehe Honestly - who would complain and check on that kinda thing anyways?

I would wait until next week. The realtor said no. That having chicks in the house would harm the selling so all I can hope for is that it sells asap and we find a house that has what we need/want before it gets too late in the year.

I"m sorry you have to wait :( It wouldn't bother me if I saw that when I went house shopping, but there are people out there that dislike animals and I can understand where your realtor is coming from.

I should never have gone down there while there were chicks in those bins, I should know better. Last year I had young birds, so it didn't tempt me in the least, but this year is a whole different ballgame.
I have to giggle at this because I KNOW if i didn't have chicks coming in a week and a half, then I'd so be down there looking at them. I'm glad I got my supplies when I did so I wouldn't be tempted!

So I got home from another crappy day in the ER to a big doggie diarrhea mess (We figured out who did it, but don't know why yet) and then my crockpot dinner of jambayla was a huge icky gelatinous disgusting mess. It smelled as bad as the doggie mess. Guess I gotta come up with something else for dinner. Sigh.. I hope everyone else's evenings are going much better!
I'm looking for white egg layers and don't really want to start with chicks right now. I am only looking for 2 - 4 white egg layers, and I want production type layers, not occasional layers. Anyway know where I might find some or anyone have some extra. Breed doesn't matter - just the egg color and that they lay more than once or twice a week. I'm in the Lawrence, Kansas, area.
Also, I don't know if I posted it on here or not, but I have 4 white Chinese geese I'm looking to find a home for. Would like to sell them, if possible, just to get something back for what I've put into them. There is definitely one male and 2 females, and one is questionable, although I am almost 99% certain it's a female, simply by its size and the sounds it makes compared to the male. We have always had Toulouse geese and couldn't find any last year so got these - not knowing whether they would be Chinese, Embden or Sepestapool. They all look Chinese or at least a Chinese cross. One is not as long necked as most Chinese geese but has the tell-tale knob on the head. Anyway, I would like to get $20 each out of them if anyone is interested. I'm in the Lawrence, KS, area and am willing to meet someone somewhere. I drive down to Kingman County occasionally to visit family, so could bring them along and use that as an excuse to visit family.
I'm looking for white egg layers and don't really want to start with chicks right now. I am only looking for 2 - 4 white egg layers, and I want production type layers, not occasional layers. Anyway know where I might find some or anyone have some extra. Breed doesn't matter - just the egg color and that they lay more than once or twice a week. I'm in the Lawrence, Kansas, area.

Since I have new pullets coming, I am going to be selling a of my hen house egg layers here in a couple of weeks. I have pearl leghorns. I am a ways south of you just west of Joplin, Mo. I would ship them to you if you were interested. I believe they are 2 years old.
Quick question from newbie here.

I have set up my new brooder and planned to use a sand base with wood chips over top for warmth. So, the day I got the sand, it rained. (You may thank me for the rain later) Thus, wet sand. I finally got it moved to the brooder house but it is still damp. The top layer has dried but I've spent most of today turning the sand so as to help it dry. (I have 100 chicks and a 25 x 25 brooder) Anyway, the question I have is: How dry is dry enough? Does it all have to be completely dry before I add the wood chips and 3 week old chicks? Ventilation is very good.


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