Consolidated Kansas

taz I was kind of thinking the same thing or maybe a mix, but I couldn't see the bird well enough. HEChicken & I had talked previously about having another butchering class in the spring & I have some people who would like to come. We haven't however talked about it recently or set a date as of yet.
Kinda looks like a Delaware.

I looked up a picture of a Delaware roo and he does look very much like that but has some yellow around next I'll try and get another picture of him. He's huge and heavy
taz I was kind of thinking the same thing or maybe a mix, but I couldn't see the bird well enough. HEChicken & I had talked previously about having another butchering class in the spring & I have some people who would like to come. We haven't however talked about it recently or set a date as of yet.

I would love to attend this class

Here is a better picture of my roo . I hatched him from rainbow layer eggs last summer
taz I was kind of thinking the same thing or maybe a mix, but I couldn't see the bird well enough. HEChicken & I had talked previously about having another butchering class in the spring & I have some people who would like to come. We haven't however talked about it recently or set a date as of yet.
I would go to that . We have new chickens more coming. What am i

On another thought ;I have several inches of leaves in the chicken run. Can you leave the leaf debris in the run during the summer ? Or would it create more heat?
Meanwhile, I've now rendered the fat and so far have 27 oz of pure, clear, fat with no debris. And I'll probably still get another ounce before its completely done. Stunning.

Of course, that is 28-30oz of meat that won't be in the crockpot. Hmmmm….I wonder if I'll see a noticeable reduction in my feed bill from just that one bird LOL.

That is a lot of fat! I love cooking with chicken fat, so even though it's that much less meat, it's by no means a loss.
I need to start culling my flock too, but my mom is like "noooo you can't kill something with a name". Not to mention she refuses to kill or let my dad kill any of my silkies because they are to cute....they start to get less cute when you have 4 roosters and 2 of them are residents to the oh so fancy garage. I think I might be part of the issue to having to many birds to X3 I cant kill one if its "my first chick that actually lived when I first hatched chicks" or "I like it". So I need to get over that issue :/ But on aime more lighthearted news I need help naming my new show hen (she is so preety and shes a like 3 months only) ya so I need to give her a name >_<...naming birds again "booooo" I like the name Winry but I need some more sugestions :l. I also feel kind of bad it seems all I do is talk about myself, so uh sorry :/ I will work on trying to be in the group conversation for once.
But what I found when I got right down to it is that that BO was in the obese category. Not just fat. Holy moly. I'm okay with that as I prefer cooking with animal fats so I always render any we get for future use. So, as I prepared her for the crock pot, I picked off all visible fat and put it in a fry pan so it could render. When I got done, here is what the fry pan looked like:
I wonder if after being so hungry and in such bad shape if she didn't develop an eating disorder of sorts and eat for the next famine. I've had several rescue type animals that did that. They went from emaciated to obese.
I would go to that . We have new chickens more coming. What am i

On another thought ;I have several inches of leaves in the chicken run. Can you leave the leaf debris in the run during the summer ? Or would it create more heat?
It's chicken math in the simplest form. Just go with it.

The leaves are great and give your chickens something to pick around in. Plus they help keep the ground from being a mud pit.

Polish pal we all talk about ourselves. I am one of the worst. I never ignore anything any one else writes. I just forget to comment.

Speaking of myself again I had a super busy day yesterday. I sold 15 chickens and it never made a dent. I also donated about a dozen hatching eggs from those same birds so that will end my temptation to start the breed up once again.
I had those birds in 4 different pens ( colors and ages divided) so it was catch here then catch there.
I got a slip in board put in the doorway of my chicken house after debating how to rig it up in limited space, then cut off and rebuilt the screen type door so it would be higher to allow for deeper shavings and and work with the new board I put in. I was just going to build a new door but I was short on time so I just made some changes to the old one. I got the feeders and waterers all set up for the new chicks that come today.
The rest of the ice and snow had melted so it was a muddy mess out there. Then my friend came to get chicken poop so that was another thing on the agenda. I had a class to go to last night too so had to rush around and be ready to go by 5:30. DH helped me finish feeding or I would have never gotten done in time. I got a load of feed yesterday too and it started raining before I could get it off the truck. It rained like crazy here last night.
Well so much for our warmer days. The forecast for the next week is just total winter weather!!! I was so hoping it had ended for the most part. The temp is dropping before noon today and the wind is predicted to blow at 50-60 mph. They even say we could get some snow mixed in with the rain. This really stinks! I still have a ton of bird moving to do out there and I won't be getting much done if it's cold out.
At least I did get the black orpingtons moved to the pen where I had the gold laced cochins. So soon I should be able to start hatching from that group. That was a tremendous decision to make. I have three black Orpington roosters. I had two that were bigger but the third one is a month younger. I looked and looked and decided the one that was the broadest and had the best body shape, but after I caught him I noticed the back of his comb wasn't perfectly straight. So I compared again and chose the second bigger one but I didn't like his back shape as well, but his comb was right. The third one has the right body shape and a good comb but he is smaller. I don't know if he will grow more and be as big as these other two or not. So I put #2 in the pen. I need to sell the other two. I'd like to keep one for a back up roo but I only have three hens so I'm not sure if that is wise or not. If I keep a back up I'll keep the smaller one.
They're absolutely huge gorgeous birds.
Step by step I will get the numbers down.
I've got to go get my two teeth pulled this morning. Not looking forward to that. My regular dentist always uses gas so I can deal with having my mouth worked on. This new one doesn't so I'm really leery and nervous about going. Plus I've not had a tooth pulled before. They have all been surgically removed. Makes me really nervous. I just hope he really deadens me up! Yep I'm a big chicken!
I had the same thought, Danz, that with free access to feed, she just kept eating in case it went away again. I hope the teeth removal goes smoothly.

Well, it was 55 when I got up this morning so I went down to check on sheep. No new lambs today but I really wasn't expecting my last ewe to lamb last night so no big surprise. By the time I got in, it had dropped to 52. Since our high for the day is only supposed to be 47, I guess it will just keep going down as the day goes on.

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