Consolidated Kansas

Welcome meridith, I'm in Cowley County. Do you have chickens yet or just in the planning stage? I do hatch chicks & will be till fall so PM me if you're interested in knowing what I have & more info.

We're all enablers here so join the club. Chicken math will get you like it has all of us, it's addictive.
hen or roo?

hen or roo?
So sorry about Sally... I must have missed your post some where. since I was so busy the last few weeks..

I think I missed it, too. I'm sorry. There are so many things they can die from and no easy way for us know why.

Welcome Merideth. "Houseplant" is too funny!

I think my SIL's duck problem may have gotten lost in my megapost, so I'll mention it again in a shorter post.
If anyone wants (or knows someone who wants) one or two Chinese crested ducks, she needs to rehome some. They're about a year old, maybe a bit less.
I'm not too familiar with forums, so if I do it wrong, somebody please tell me! Lol!

No chickens yet. Our town just recently fixed two statutes that contradicted each other and now we're all sure we can have chickens. I was thinking of doing it anyway, since my neighbors wouldn't have minded (or ratted me out anyway, ha!).

I'm resisting diving right in bc I want to make it an orderly thing for my boy . . . and I'm hoping to get hubs' help with the planning. I'm thinking chicks next spring.

I thought my boy might choose Star wars names for our chickens, since that's his "special interest" (autism thing), but he just told me he'd name then all Chickie. Just like his two life-long BFFs: Chickie and Original Chickie.Haha!


I would love to visit your flock in the fall, Trish44! We get down to Winfield area every once in a while...

The little early chick! Can't wait till the rest hatch in 5 more days... unless there are more early surprises :)

Meridith - Hi, I'm in rural Winfield close to Oxford. I have a very good friend in Oxford who has a son with Autism and they have a fabulous huge farm with horses, cattle, hundreds of chickens, ducks, goats, lambs, etc and etc! If you're down this way, let me know and we can take your son to visit some farm animals in a very friendly/family environment! I also hatch if you're interested - but mostly just barnyard mixes.. I sell my little chicks for a dollar :)
Yay! Welcome to all the newcomers! Marlowesmom- I'm out near Gardner. Sternrose-I have a little silkie about the same age, can't tell either. They are hard to tell when they're young. Meredith -my son likes to go watch the chickens but his interest has lessened from a couple years ago. He has Phelan McDermid syndrome . I've heard some of the folks with autism that are kind of obsessive about details do pretty well keeping an orderly chicken coop. (Not our situation , we're anything but orderly !)
Here's Mildred - she likes to think she's "broody" for about an hour everyday with the gooses egg, cracks me up!
Sunflowerparrot, that would be so fun! I have no idea whether he would enjoy it or be terrified. But I'm game to find out, lol!

22qZoo, I had to look up Phelan McDermid Syndrome - I'd never heard of it. Looks like there are a few traits in common. Love that your byc name now makes sense to me, lol!
Sunflowerparrot, that would be so fun! I have no idea whether he would enjoy it or be terrified. But I'm game to find out, lol!

22qZoo, I had to look up Phelan McDermid Syndrome - I'd never heard of it. Looks like there are a few traits in common. Love that your byc name now makes sense to me, lol!
Merideth - I'm sending you a PM.
I thought my boy might choose Star wars names for our chickens, since that's his "special interest" (autism thing), but he just told me he'd name then all Chickie. Just like his two life-long BFFs: Chickie and Original Chickie.Haha!

That's cute -- both the picture and the story. My uncle, when he was little, named his dog and his bird and his turtle Petey.

My SIL found a home this morning for the one duck she thought was causing most of the problems. So far, things have been peaceful, but she's not sure if it's because the instigator is gone or because the others are freaked out.
When my DH got home last night we got the little lamb into the crate I brought him home in & left him there for the night. The goats could see him, but he was safe. I'm sure the poor little guy was traumatized because he was away from his momma & herd & then got attacked by some big mean goats. They're going to have to get used to each other, I hope the goats realize he is staying soon & leave him alone. He is in the goat pen now & the goats are out browsing in the yard. When we get the fence up in the field they will have a bigger area to graze & be safe.

Danz, we all would love to see you more often. I'm glad your son's house sold so soon. Did they find a house to buy yet?

I got started on my hoop coop but with all that has been going on I only got the livestock panels hooked on & got no further yet. I need to flip it over now & I really need help with that.
My son and his wife have looked but aren't in total agreement about what to buy. I guess the government actually pays to give him a few days to house shop as part of the transfer package. It does look like they are going to have to rent a place to live for a month or two in Manhattan after they close on their house since his boss has requested they keep him a bit longer to help finish the project. His wife starts medical school this summer so they may have to live apart for a little while if he doesn't get released to his new job. It is quite a compliment to him though since there are a couple hundred engineers planning the Ft. Riley hospital and they chose to keep him for the final stages.
Quote: If you are tall it would be wise to go 8 foot wide. If you are average the 10 foot width would work. I chose 8 foot wide simply because the lumber is cheaper and I don't like to bend any more than I have to.

From Danz "Tweety, I would use Preventic collars on your dogs. They are excellent, don't make them sick and are great for keeping the ticks and fleas off. On GPs it's good to clip down the hair where the collar sits so it is short so it can make better contact with the skin but they seem to work even without doing that as long as they aren't dangling loose."

Well, quote is not working for me again today... bummer...

I found 2 ticks on big Sky yesterday and 2 more today... all of them were found on top of her head and under her jaw.... This is really upsetting me. So I went ahead and bought 2 Preventic collars (25" ones) for the GPs. I sure hope they work because as of right now, I'm checking her head to tail daily and I'm not sure if I miss some on her body or not because she has thicker coat/longish hair. Argh...
And won't you know it, the Preventic collars that's on Prime won't be shipped for another month or so... Soooo I have to get them and pay shipping from another vendor from GA. I think it should be here quckly though. This vendor has 98% rating.
I buy preventic from Valley Vet. They are close and they usually arrive in one day. Also they often have sales so I get them when they are on sale.

hen or roo?

hen or roo?

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