Consolidated Kansas

No because my sister is married to one of the pharmacists and she would know if they had one available. I guess I'll try to make a phone call to the medical supply place and see what I can do for one day. Good to see you here. I've been missing hearing about your geese and Ethan.
Danz so sorry to hear about your accident. Something similar happened to me on my trip back home 8 years ago and I know the pain of which you speak - it is horrendous and the ligaments get so stretched that it is easy to resprain it over and over in the next few years. My ankle was weak for 3-4 years after the initial incident and all it would take was standing the wrong way on a clump of grass to sprain it again. Thankfully those "after shock" sprains were never as bad as the original injury and it has now been quite some time since I last did it so I think that ankle is now fully healed.

Remember RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). Let DH take care of the animals and keep it elevated and iced as much as you can. It may be frustrating to be inactive now but the faster you can get it started healing, the better it will be in the long run.
DANZ- I have one if you can't find anything closer, or if any of your family will be coming from this direction they could swing by and get it. So sorry about your fall, tomorrow is going to be pretty hot too that could be very uncomfortable, please take it easy.
No experience with hair goats. How about Alpacas? It is quite profitable I understand. I have an ex class mate who she and her husband both quit their jobs because they make more money on the alpaca fur. A little costly to get started but a lot easier keepers. In my case I figure I am going to be allergic to all their hair so I'm not tempted. Are you going to have time for a working farm with a new baby? I just had a feeling you two were going to start getting ready for number two.
Poor little Amelia. Doesn't seem possible she is getting jaw teeth already.
If you decide to get back into chickens again let me know and I'll send you some eggs. No bantam cochins but I've got lots of other stuff. I am trying everything I can to keep from hatching. I don't offer eggs to anyone but I'd be glad to send you some. I'm trying to keep from starting up another incubator. And of course this one I am using is overflowing. I thought I was done with peacock eggs until the India blues start laying again in late summer. But the whites gave me an egg yesterday. My boys are all molted and you can't tell them from the hens much.
I have a ton of Sebbies left. I thought I had mostly girls left but the last group I got turned out to be mostly boys. I've got three that were hatched late season with crooked beaks. I finally figured out it was because they were getting calcium depleted. I guess next spring I'll put them on layer feed. If the grass had come back in their pen I think they would have been fine. There's just way too many of them out there.
Originally Posted by cherwill
I need to spend several days in my garden but there just isn't time. Plus when it's so hot it's really hard to make myself work out there too long. At least taking care of the chickens I keep moving around so it doesn't seem quite as miserable. Evenings are the best time but like last night the bugs were going insane trying to eat me instead of the veggies. They forecast rain again last night but we didn't get any. Even with those insane winds we didn't get that much rain. I need to work in my flower beds just as bad but I just can't find the time.

I keep saying I will get a count on my chickens when I decide which ones I am going to keep. But it seems that the number and the birds are always changing.
I worry about my garden since I dug the garlic. I understand it helps keep the bug population down.
My grandpa used to grow all their food. He used to store his potatoes on frames that had chicken wire suspended over them. He laid them out flat on a concrete floor and he had potatoes until the next year. I think the clue is to keep the air flow around them and have them in the shade. He had a building where he stored all of his gardening produce. I don't have the space for that but it would be nice. If a person had an unfinished basement where they didn't have to have other things it would be perfect for food storage.
My potatoes are still blooming and very green. So I'm not attempting to check for harvest yet. I may have to plant some late green beans and see if they do anything since this first batch is destroyed. I need to do some tilling and stuff first though.
I am getting a couple of cats this evening. I sure hope they will be good mousers and stick around. I haven't figured out where to feed them yet that the dogs will let them eat without stealing their food. If this works well I might get a couple more later. I just don't need any chicken predators out there.

I will have to take a look. They seem like cute little critters. We were thinking sheep but they seem too flighty for my liking and neither of us cares to eat mutton so....

The bantam cochins are one of my favorites. I have a little hen that jumps up and rides on the feed bucket edge in the morning. They have a ton of personality. If your buff girl hatched out of mille fleur eggs give her some time, those mille fleurs take several months to develop their colors.
josie, I know Candace at Bar 6 Diamond Ranch where I got my GPs from has fiber goats. She has a web site so if you do a search you can find it & email her. She can tell you all about the goats she raises. I know she sells the fiber, but I don't know all that much about it all, she could tell you more. I'm sorry about Amelia's teething problems, that's tough on the young ones. I actually got a pair of bantam cochins I hatched trying to get mille fleur, but I think only the rooster is going to be that coloring, the pullet is just buff. I may get some chicks from someone later on. I usually don't like bantams at all, but these things are the cutest little things & they don't know they're not the same size as the other chicks.

danz, I hope your barn cats work out for you & you can get rid of some of the varmints that have been plaguing you. If you can find somewhere raised high enough your dogs can't get up there like I have on top of my rabbit hutch, that's a great place to feed cats. They can jump up there but the dogs can't. Mine go running for the hutch when they see me coming with their food. Even the kittens learn pretty fast where to go to eat & learn to climb up there pretty young.

DH saw my computer open yesterday and said he was glad I was keeping in touch with my "chicken friends" in Kansas. I said me too!
It has been gorgeous here, highs in the low 70s and dry. I love it! I forgot how awesome summer time is here. A few muggy days in the 90s but that is just a good excuse to go to the beach!
Well not a good day here. I was walking down the back steps. DH had a rope over the garage hooked to the tractor on one side and a big tree limb he was pulling out of the tree on the other. Instead of watching my step I was looking at the limb and missed the step which turned my foot sideways and I fell. I couldn't get up and there was so much pain I was instantly sick to my stomach. I crawled up the back steps and laid on the floor in the house until he got me the walker so I could get to the bedroom. I got to feeling sick on the way and spent 15 minutes in the bathroom, then went to lay down.
Typical me I couldn't just lay there so I hung onto furniture and got up when I got over the cold sweats. I called the doctors office and that is where I spent the next 4 hours or so. No broken bones thank heavens but I have a bad sprain and was put in an air boot and given a pair of crutches. I can't handle the crutches. I crash and burn on them. I have a lot to learn. I am supposed to stay off my foot for 5 days and I can't think of anyway I will ever get my birds taken care of.
Sunday we were having our summer get together as a family with my kids and their kids. We were going to the Topeka zoo. I checked to see if my sister still had Dad's wheelchair and she donated it to the fire department. People can use them as needed for free. Guess what? They are all out. So I may have to miss seeing my family and spending the day together. I sure don't want them coming here or I would try to clean and that isn't possible right now. I feel like crying...oh poor me. Couldn't be worse timing. It would also be the first time my two youngest granddaughters got to be together. I sure hope I can come up with a wheelchair somewhere.
Now to just worry about making sure the birds are okay for a few days. I've had major surgery and still cared for them so surely I'll figure out something.
Danz so sorry to hear about your accident. Something similar happened to me on my trip back home 8 years ago and I know the pain of which you speak - it is horrendous and the ligaments get so stretched that it is easy to resprain it over and over in the next few years. My ankle was weak for 3-4 years after the initial incident and all it would take was standing the wrong way on a clump of grass to sprain it again. Thankfully those "after shock" sprains were never as bad as the original injury and it has now been quite some time since I last did it so I think that ankle is now fully healed.

Remember RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). Let DH take care of the animals and keep it elevated and iced as much as you can. It may be frustrating to be inactive now but the faster you can get it started healing, the better it will be in the long run.
You just don't know how hard it is to stay in one place! I've tossed the crutches. Those are an accident waiting to happen. I am such a clumsy person and can't seem to get the feel for them. For one thing I don't have a working right wrist and I think you need that arm strength to use them. I really don't know since I can't seem to manage them. I have my walker which is okay for in the house. I actually feels pretty good today which is amazing to me after the initial pain of the injury. And timing was perfect I guess to get that steroid shot for the arthritis because my swelling really hasn't been that bad. I found that I have a lot more support if I keep a pair of boat shoes on. They kind of hold the air cast in place better so it gives more stability. They are kind of hard to get off and on but really help. I never thought about re-injury. I have really weak ankles anyway and am always twisting them. Maybe I won't be wearing my slick ole flip flops so much the rest of the summer. I don't think DH is going to be willing to do much animal care. I'm pretty determined to get back out there and work as soon as I can. My biggest hurdle is getting down the steps to get outside.
DANZ- I have one if you can't find anything closer, or if any of your family will be coming from this direction they could swing by and get it. So sorry about your fall, tomorrow is going to be pretty hot too that could be very uncomfortable, please take it easy.
Thank you. My BIL has an older type wheel chair he said I could use. Not being that familiar with wheelchairs I don't honestly know they difference. The only thing I could think of is that it might be heavier and might not fold up. Does anyone know? I just want to use it one day anyway. However I sure could see how it would help me get my chores done. I'm thinking I might have to use my lawnmower if I can find a way to haul feed on it. I could just zip around the yard and stop to feed. Now the water is a different situation. Not sure how to get the hoses every where. I'll bet if I ask DH to come up with a plan he would thinking hard to keep from having to do my work.
I think I may stick with the goats idea! ;) I am not a fan of the alpaca/llhama type critters personally, not sure why....We would also like a herd of something that Lucie will stay with. I just feel she needs a more important job than she has right now as a general farm dog. I think she would really thrive living with a herd of goats.

Grammy Verna you are too funny!!! We are def waiting until Amelia is at least 3 before we have another. I can't do "2 under 2." ;) I am pretty sure it would kill me....I wonder if there is a correlation between late hatches and boys in the geese?
Hey! You never know!!! You have family support now. Amelia is going to grow up way too fast now.
I dunno about the geese thing but it sure was evident boys were reining supreme with these last ones. My last 6 eggs weren't fertile at all either. I am going to figure this goose thing out some day. I have those late boys with crooked beaks too which I have no idea what to do with. I am sure it was because of nutrients. Next year I am feeding the girls laying feed for sure. It's a shame because they are pretty colors and going to be nice other wise. I may have to try eating them. Makes me very sad to think about it.
I offered them to my older sister that have a nice big pond in their yard. The Canadians come every summer to have babies. I suggested she have some pretty geese but they don't like the idea of having them there all year. The rest of my family just doesn't have this need to be surrounded by animals I do. I have a female born about the same time that has a short beak. I just plan to keep her. She might just free range the yard. She is a gorgeous bird, kind of blue, white, buff combination. I don't think the beak thing would be hereditary as I am sure it was caused a calcium deficiency, but I don't know that I want to breed her to find out. I guess I'd need to put another one out with her so she isn't lonely.

Thank you for the egg offer! That is really sweet, I will send you a PM. I really miss my brahmas too. Kinda wish I hadn't sold my big buff laced roo. Not sure how we would have fit him in the car that was already jam packed with cages....
I have those gorgeous partridge brahmas which are still in really high demand, my project double laced blue gold, and my lights which haven't produced me a fertile egg yet since I added the imports, and some black imports which are too young to lay yet. I have lots of English Orpingtons too. Wish you were closer and wanted to work on a project you mentioned a couple years ago. I have a bunch of white English boys and be glad to donate one to you. Speaking of the same I do have one young English lavender cuckoo from Fancy Chicks . You know how totally awesome her birds are I am sure.
Hope your kitties work out well for you! Mine have bluffed at the chickens a few times just for fun but all it takes is one broody to flog them and they run for the hills!
So far the new kitties are staying in the shop. No promise of mousing yet. I told DH he needs to quit feeding them Fancy Feast or they'll never try catching mice. The little boy, named Jackson by the previous owner is just the sweetest thing. It is going to be very difficult to keep from bringing him in.
All I have to do though, is look in the house because Milk, the 18 year old is still having potty issues and her tumor still seeps all the time. Tessa the other cat has a habit of catching mice then jumping up and releasing them on my bed. That's enough reminder of why I don't want more house cats.

Oh man! I would love to go to the beach. One more thing to miss about my parents. It was so great to go spend time with them and spend time on the beach. My brother still has a beach side home in North Carolina but he is working in Kansas right now. I could go use it at any time but I just don't think it would be much fun without him being there.
Josie you don't have to wait until they are mutton. If you butcher under 18 months they are still lamb and very tasty. I've actually never had mutton but I've heard it has a very strong odor and flavor and a lot of people don't care for it.

Personally, I prefer my sheep to my goats. The goats test fences and escape every chance they get. As soon as they get out, they make a beeline for the chicken coop, squeeze through the pop door and eat all the chicken feed. The sheep don't test fences and are content to stay in the pasture and graze. Although mine were all mama-raised, some of them are really friendly and come up to me and allow me to handle them. I really don't find them flighty at all. In fact, my flightiest animal is my goat doe! The buck is as friendly as a dog and I can handle him any time I want to but the doe is so flighty it takes two of us to corner her and hold her down just to trim her feet. I can handle the sheep by myself when it comes time to trim and give shots.

That is a lovely photo of you on the beach!

I found my hen that hatched a chick in a hidden nest. The one I hadn't even noticed was missing. She now has two chicks. The first hatched appears to be pure NH, which is good but the second is a mutt of some kind. She has given up on the remaining eggs in the nest so I'm glad she stopped at two. Her nest was deep under the front porch. I hate to think some of those eggs might have been within a couple of days of hatching and I could have finished them in the incubator but I just can't get to them.
danz I'm so sorry about your accident, boy do I know how that goes. I can't do crutches either, you have to have a lot of arm strength to use them & I just can't seem to manage them either. You sure don't need something that will cause you to hurt yourself worse. Those ankle injuries just seem to hang on for months too. When I fell in January I severely sprained my ankle along with breaking my fibula & after 6 months my ankle still swells & hurts. You need to take it easy & tell your DH you can't manage the feeding for awhile. He needs to step up & help you. You know how thrilled mine was to have to do it for 8 weeks but he did it grudgingly, but he did it. I hope you can find a wheelchair for the day so you don't miss out on being with your family.

josie, I think part of the secret with the sheep is getting them young for one thing, but just spending some time getting them used to you. I have these 3 lambs & they all come running at time to go in the pen in the evening because I have trained them with a little sweet feed. I cut it way back since they're getting plenty of green stuff to eat right now, but they know they're going to get a treat when I call. The black & white one, Oreo was really tame because the previous owner's kids had played with her a lot, so she will come up to be petted. The other ewe from them hadn't been handled as much & she will come up close, but doesn't necessarily like to be touched that much. The ram I had in the pen for a couple weeks before I got the ewes so he is pretty tame as well. I have my goats hand trained as well, the one was a bottle baby so she is like a puppy really, a very big puppy now. The other one was really wild when I got her, but after being around the other one she now will let me pet her. They also are trained to come in the evening to get fed. I'm glad you're getting settled in there & that you come back to "visit" us here on the thread. Keep those pics of Amelia coming, she is adorable!

I went to the swap meet at TSC in Augusta this morning, it was just their 2nd one since they moved there. It wasn't a bad turnout for a new swap getting started, they had some birds there, a goat, & quite a few rabbits today besides produce. I took my last 3 Lemon Cuckoo Orpington roosters & sold all of them. I didn't get what I really wanted out of them, but I don't have to feed them any more & now can move some birds around after I clean the hoop coop, so it was worth my drive & my time for that. I'm down to just birds now growing out, so I really don't have any to get rid of till later after I decide what I'm keeping for breeding stock & then I'll clean house before winter. I have pretty much stopped hatching other than just for my friend & a few for myself. I don't have that many eggs left in my incubator now.
No because my sister is married to one of the pharmacists and she would know if they had one available. I guess I'll try to make a phone call to the medical supply place and see what I can do for one day. Good to see you here. I've been missing hearing about your geese and Ethan.
I haven't gone anywhere. I'm still trying to keep on the reading and stuff. I've just been crazy busy this summer. I'm working on a more stressful than usual project at work and have been putting in extra hours. This week, I've also been helping a friend move. I've also been doctoring my injured horse. We think he has tendonitis so it is taking him a while to heal. In the meantime, it is extra work for me. This spring, I started working on making some curtains for our sunroom. The windows are abnormally sized, so it is WAY cheaper for me to make them than to buy them from the store. Plus, this way I get exactly what I want. However, my little one has decided that sewing isn't much fun so I only get to work on them when his daddy is home to help watch him or when he is sleeping. That means that I haven't gotten much time to work on them and haven't even gotten the first curtain finished enough to hang. With the heat we've been having recently, I have had to relocate (the sunroom is also my office) to a different room to stay cool enough to keep working...

The last weekend in May, I went to visit my sister and we went garage sale-ing together. The next morning, I got all of my stuff packed into the car and then couldn't find my keys. My DH ended up having to drive 2 1/2 hours to bring me his set of car keys. Until today, I hadn't been able to find my car keys... I thought I'd lost them at one of the garage sales we went to or something (I was riding with my sister and so hadn't used my keys at all that day). Well, I found my keys this morning, 6 weeks after I lost them. They were in the little zippered pocket on the side of my purse. I have NO IDEA how they got there, but I'm glad I found them! It was kind of expensive to lose the keys... I had to pay for an etra set of keys with the extra clicker AND we had to pay for my husband to make a special trip to my sister's house in a not-so-good-gas-mileage vehicle.

Oh, and an obligatory "cute" picture for all of you!
Oh wow! Ethan looks like a little boy now instead of a tiny baby. That's amazing. He always looks so happy. What an adorable baby! You and JosieChick are such great moms. You can see it in your kids. Being nurtured by a good mom shows in so many ways. I don't think I was ever that great of a Mom. Too many kids, having to work all the time away from home and I just tended to stay too busy in general. I had to leave my job for one of my sons because of his medical problems and stayed home until he was about 18 months. You can sure see the difference that the nurturing did in just his whole attitude not to mention how sweet he is. He would hate it if he read this though. He tries to act like a big tough guy but he's a teddy bear.
Trish you were the first person I thought of as soon as I did this. Believe me my empathy for you increased 10 fold at that moment. I found out what a difference this air cast makes. I took it off to take a shower and it was a whole different ballgame. I couldn't function at all. Here I was thinking maybe I just overreacted cause I was doing so well but I now have to credit the cast for being the big factor.
My sister and brother in law brought me the wheelchair so I'm good for tomorrow. It's not beautiful but it will sure do the job. I'm so happy I get to spend the day with my kids and grandkids.
I'm worried about my birds today cause it is really hot and the wind isn't helping much. I lost 4 chicks last night cause DH didn't get the sweeter heaters plugged in. I didn't mention that but I assumed he would know that the brooders get cool at night.

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