Consolidated Kansas

Thanks for the help guys. I guess as long as it sunny out I will be taking them out. I know they are only 3 weeks but man they get to flapping and running around the play yard its so darn cute. And the 5 min fight over the bug just about had me peeing the pants. Can't ask for better entertainment then that. Also worked on the coop today, I think I might be over doing it a little on that. It's 8x8 an old playhouse of my boys and I insulated it all and then hung wood on the walls. Has vinyl down on the floor for easy cleaning and two windows. Not sure why I never thought to finish it for myself as a get away.
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New issue crept up..ok, the wife spotted it tonight and checking if this is an issue or not, or if i need to do something with this?

Crooked toes problem. Just don't breed them

@chicken danz , I never thought about feeding the foxes. Hmmm. I'll have to contemplate that one a bit. I would love to do that so that we could watch them more, but I don't know how I feel about interfering with their natural diet. Although I might strongly consider it if it will discourage them from even trying to eat my chickens! We live along the river, and the foxes' dens are along the steeper parts of the river bank. They don't play quite so well with our cats, either. One of them treed our cat, Romeo, about a month ago. I'm thankful my 8-year-old was paying attention to what was going on outside. I think if she hadn't gone berserk, screaming out the back door at the fox, Romeo would've been a gonner.
I used to feed mine stuff from the fridge when I cleaned it out. I didn't feed them every day.
Also, I'm a little perplexed about your observation that our light brahma isn't a light brahma. We had only two feather-footed chicks in this bunch. We ordered (and supposedly got) a light brahma and a buff brahma. I thought the one I posted the picture of was the light brahma, because the other looks like the buff brahma chick we had before, AND, the My Pet Chicken website (from where we purchased the chicks) showed pictures of light brahma chicks, and those picture look like the baby pictured, as well. So, I'm going to post a few more pictures for you to look at and hopefully you can help me by explaining brahma nuances.
Well I looked at Pet chicken and McMurry's sites which had colored light brahma chicks like yours. Cackle and some other had white chicks. I raised light brahma chicks, some show lines for at least 5 years and every chick was born a little white chick which feathered in dark wings etc when it feathered. Maybe they are using different breeding genetics.
Here is the link to the
My Pet Chicken page showing their "light brahma." If you scroll through the pictures, you'll see the light brahma chicks they have pictured.

Well, today didn't have the best of endings. DH and I had been working on planning an anniversary trip to the Bahamas and the whole thing fell thru. Looks like we'll be staying home again. I thought we'd found something that would work, but MIL got sick and life happened and I guess it just won't work this year - again.
I know I'm probably being wimpy about it but I was Really hoping it'd work out. It's been several years since we've done anything to celebrate and I had sure hoped it'd work this year.... I'm trying to convince myself that I'd rather be home hatching eggs and working around the farm anyway, but I'm not sure it's working.
Sorry you had to have this disappointment. Just remember all the years together you will have to make it up.

I was wondering if this chick might have some gold laced wyandotte in it? There is a chance for a purebreed one from who I got the eggs from, but other wise could be a mix with a new hampshire or a buff. Of course, knowing my luck it will have GLW and then turn out to be a roo.....but SO cute right now. They are 6-7 days old right now!

Looks like a gold laced Wyandotte to me.

I had another partridge brahma from Danz hatch today!!!
my broody hatched it out and she's sitting on one of my eggs yet. Don't know if it'll hatch yet or not. How old can chicks be and still imprint on a hen? I'm tempted to stick another chick or two under her for her to care for. Danz, have you ever had a broody hen raise pheasants?
NO! Don't let the broody raise pheasants. Chickens will peck them to death. Also they are too hyper and will run away. Glad you hatched another brahma baby. As far as adding chicks that all depends on the Mamma. Just keep in mind a broody might not be so successful at raising chicks as you can be...unless you can contain her so the chicks stay protected.
Originally Posted by Momma2bellas
oh my.....I noticed one of my hens today had some little tiny skinny worms in her poo and it was runny. I scooped it up, put it in a bag and was gong to call our vet to see if they could test it.

My DOG grabbed the bag (it was outside on a table) and ate the POO! our vet does not test chicken poo, and now I have to collect some again, find a local vet to test it, and if its something dogs can get, then take both my dogs in as times!
Sounds like round worms. Actually most species of worm etc don't cross species but it's possible that round worms can. Give it 7-10 days before treating the dogs. It will take that long for the worms to develop. Treat the chickens now and again in 7-10 days.
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[COLOR=FF0000]Sorry you had to have this disappointment. Just remember all the years together you will have to make it up.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=FF0000]NO![/COLOR] [COLOR=800080]Don't let the broody raise pheasants. Chickens will peck them to death. Also they are too hyper and will run away. Glad you hatched another brahma baby. As far as adding chicks that all depends on the Mamma. Just keep in mind a broody might not be so successful at raising chicks as you can be...unless you can contain her so the chicks stay protected.[/COLOR]
I know.. I was just really looking forward to some relaxing time with DH after all the family stress we've had. Maybe next year.

Ok, I just wondered. He is Really hyper!! I think we've named him/her Cruise because he's always cruising around like a race car!! :D
I'm not happy with Silkies right now. Out of 12 Silkie eggs 8 hatched, one that is obviously vitamin B deficient and now a second one that is lethargic and gaping. None of the other chicks are having any problems, not a pasty butt or a curled toe.
Live and learn I suppose, next time I'll stick with what I know.
Hi everyone it's been a very long time since I posted. Last year was the beginning of my chicken life and you all helped me out a lot. I am hoping for some more pointers this year.

I have 13 of my 16 chickens left from last year. I lost 3 Roos (2) I harvested (1) lost in an unsanction chicken fight. This year we ordered 15 new ones and got 4 more Americans from feed store. At 3-4 weeks I put them outside in a tractor I made until 8 weeks. At 8 weeks I itroduced them to the flock by closing the run around 3:00 and putting new birds in coop at that time to have the coop and run to them selfs. I open the run just before dusk to allow older birds to roost.

Everything is going well they all roost together with just a bit of fuss getting into the roost but settle down quick. The older ones peck and kick the younger ones at time but no blood or serious fights yet. During the day I basically have 2 flocks. The young ones don't range to far from coop and the older ones go were ever.

My first question is will they ever merge to 1 flock or stay divided?
Second question will the rooster of the first flick claim and protect new flock?
Third question does the stress of mixing flicks slow down egg production? Since we merged only getting half the eggs?
Forth question we had 1 hen go broody couple days after introduction and we gave her 6 eggs to sit on. Does a broody hen effect other hen laying production?

I know I'm asking a lot of question and any help would be great. Thanks again for all the help last year and I'm looking forward to your advise this time.
Hi everyone it's been a very long time since I posted. Last year was the beginning of my chicken life and you all helped me out a lot. I am hoping for some more pointers this year.

I have 13 of my 16 chickens left from last year. I lost 3 Roos (2) I harvested (1) lost in an unsanction chicken fight. This year we ordered 15 new ones and got 4 more Americans from feed store. At 3-4 weeks I put them outside in a tractor I made until 8 weeks. At 8 weeks I itroduced them to the flock by closing the run around 3:00 and putting new birds in coop at that time to have the coop and run to them selfs. I open the run just before dusk to allow older birds to roost.

Everything is going well they all roost together with just a bit of fuss getting into the roost but settle down quick. The older ones peck and kick the younger ones at time but no blood or serious fights yet. During the day I basically have 2 flocks. The young ones don't range to far from coop and the older ones go were ever.

My first question is will they ever merge to 1 flock or stay divided? It really is chickens choice. some prefer their own little friends while others will blend with the flock. Most of my birds do just join a group but you often see a pair or two that prefer each others company.
Second question will the rooster of the first flick claim and protect new flock? Yep a rooster will try to manage every hen he can. But he may have favorites to breed more often.
Third question does the stress of mixing flicks slow down egg production? Since we merged only getting half the eggs? It shouldn't, but any disruption can cause a slow down. A lot depends on the nature of the birds. Give it a week or two for things to settle into a routine.
Forth question we had 1 hen go broody couple days after introduction and we gave her 6 eggs to sit on. Does a broody hen effect other hen laying production?
No. the only thing it might affect is if she is sitting in the nest box where they normally lay. But that shouldn't reduce laying. l know I'm asking a lot of question and any help would be great. Thanks again for all the help last year and I'm looking forward to your advise this time.
I've not been getting notifications when anyone posts or I get a message. It is driving me nuts. I often just do a quick check to see if anyone has posted as I walk by the computer. I'm sure missing that feature.
They where real skinny, but not real long, almost as if they where baby worms? should I wait to have it tested, or just buy some stuff to treat and take the dogs in?
I agree with Danz you should go ahead & treat them if you're seeing worms from the chickens. Not too many Vets will treat chickens. I just worm mine every 6 months, spring & fall on a regular basis. I know some do it more often but it seems to work OK for me. I read that if you free range your chickens it's just a given they're going to have worms.

Trish44, Deerfield I was kidding about your DH coming here, I know you keep him plenty busy, but that's good. Yeah I get that story here too about some guys not doing any projects, bah. I agree with you wholeheartedly on what you told him. I hear all the time that the chickens are my hobby so why should he have to do things for my hobby. But let me tell you he sure does find time for his running hobby before anything else. Sometimes you just need a little help with things. I do a lot of things by myself but there are those things I can't do alone. What do we have them for if they can't help out? He forgets that the chickens feed him breakfast every day.

Yeah girl, I knew you were kidding.
Just thought you'd get a kick out of our banter. He banned me from using any power tools so I really had to wait for him. Now he says I can use them but he does every project I say I'm going to do. I think he's very nervous about me using a power tool for some reason. Old school thinking, I'm sure. If I die using a power tool, then it's his fault I killed myself. He should have protected me or something like that.
Geez, what a cave man! Doesn't he know women use power tools all the time? I know a lot of us do anyway. I used to be intimidated by them, but necessity has made me get over that. If I waited on my DH to do everything I would never get anything done. My projects, especially those for chickens are way down on his list for getting done. I put up pens by myself all the time & I've built most of my hoop coops by myself too except for getting help to turn them over after I get the cattle panels on. I'm even using a grinder now, something I never used before.

Hi everyone it's been a very long time since I posted. Last year was the beginning of my chicken life and you all helped me out a lot. I am hoping for some more pointers this year.

I have 13 of my 16 chickens left from last year. I lost 3 Roos (2) I harvested (1) lost in an unsanction chicken fight. This year we ordered 15 new ones and got 4 more Americans from feed store. At 3-4 weeks I put them outside in a tractor I made until 8 weeks. At 8 weeks I itroduced them to the flock by closing the run around 3:00 and putting new birds in coop at that time to have the coop and run to them selfs. I open the run just before dusk to allow older birds to roost.

Everything is going well they all roost together with just a bit of fuss getting into the roost but settle down quick. The older ones peck and kick the younger ones at time but no blood or serious fights yet. During the day I basically have 2 flocks. The young ones don't range to far from coop and the older ones go were ever.

My first question is will they ever merge to 1 flock or stay divided?
Second question will the rooster of the first flick claim and protect new flock?
Third question does the stress of mixing flicks slow down egg production? Since we merged only getting half the eggs?
Forth question we had 1 hen go broody couple days after introduction and we gave her 6 eggs to sit on. Does a broody hen effect other hen laying production?

I know I'm asking a lot of question and any help would be great. Thanks again for all the help last year and I'm looking forward to your advise this time.
When I have added new young birds to the flock they eventually all will meld together. I really haven't noticed mine staying in any certain groups. Any changes made can slow down egg production just temporarily but it should pick up again. A broody shouldn't keep the others from laying if she isn't in their favorite nest box. Do you have her in a spot away from the main laying area or is she in one of the nest boxes? The usual rule of thumb for roosters is one rooster per 10 hens. I have 3 now in my laying flock but I have enough hens for them to cover. They tend to spread out with a group of hens to watch over them. If you got chicks from a feed store they're not Ameraucanas, they're Easter Eggers. Hatcheries don't sell true Ameraucanas, they sell them as such but they aren't.

I've been so busy lately I haven't had much computer time, so I have to catch up every time I come back. I've got to go out now & get water done since I didn't get it done yesterday. It's just never ending it seems like with something to do.
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I've not been getting notifications when anyone posts or I get a message. It is driving me nuts. I often just do a quick check to see if anyone has posted as I walk by the computer. I'm sure missing that feature.
Me either. It is driving me buggy. Is it a problem with the system or just this thread? Oh, and I'm not getting message notifications either.
I agree with Danz you should go ahead & treat them if you're seeing worms from the chickens. Not too many Vets will treat chickens. I just worm mine every 6 months, spring & fall on a regular basis. I know some do it more often but it seems to work OK for me. I read that if you free range your chickens it's just a given they're going to have worms.
Thank you ladies for your help.

Based off of what I read on this site I bought Wazine to treat the water first, and then 2 wks later do the Ivermectin. I plan on doing one chicken now who is broody and has scaley leg mites, the tricks I have are not helping but I have heard it will.

Our of our 6 chickens, 2 are laying right now, the rest are broody and one has chicks she is raising, so I figured this would be a good time.

Does this plan sound OK?

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