Constant, loud parties in the brooder

I love everything Tom Lehrer ever performed! My fav is Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, but the Masochism Tango is a good second. Or the Boy Scout Song... Or... Or....ROFLMBO

"I hold your hand in mine, dear..."

Back to the fortified brooders... I think the so-called "BR" chick is involved. Both my house guest and I have noticed the way it keeps an eye on us more so than the other chicks. Not a stink-eye look, but a calculating one. Very suspicious.
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I'm here and alive.
dsqrd-Good thought on the waterboarding-I didn't even think of that...I'm just not on top of my game and that could be very dangerous...
gryeyes-I'm worried about you. I just hope you're taking this seriously-this is not anything to play around with. If you are being "eyed", I suspect they are in secret meetings plotting the takeover of your home.
Miss Lydia-I'm glad you fortified your home. I think, however, that it may be PeteJs chicks that are in your area. Haven't heard from him in a few days either...Pete...where are you? Are you OK??? Pete, speak to us...
Miss Lydia tell me your birds are geared up like this:

Oh Sheila, so
you are ok! I didn't even think of the waterboarding until Miss Lydia mentioned that she hadn't heard from you. I was so worried!
I'm OK, I just feel like I took a ninja kick to my right shoulder and have no idea how it happened...unless...oh no, they've been in ninja training(hence all of the slamming noises) and attacked me in my sleep!
Yep, they come in the night..
I am glad they are at least going by the rules of engagement and didn't revert to water boarding... easttx, you better sleep with one eye open so to foil the next attack...And that picture of Samson is out already boy they sure don't play games. He'll never be able to join the FBI now that everyone knows what he looks like
Chickens in choppers? thats whats been flying around these mts. in the last few days..
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