constipated chick

Silkie Sue

13 Years
Jun 23, 2007
Sarnia, Ontario
Good Morning,
I have a month old Polish chick that is having trouble this morning. He seems to be wobbly and is straining. I have not seen any bowel movement, is there anything I can give him
Cooking oil in an eyedropper ?
Is that safe
Any suggestions?
Thankyou for your help
Check the vent and see if there is a blockage of dried poop. If so wash it very well and let it soak off.

Olive oil is a good method to get them moving.
Thankyou, I actually cleaned him up a couple days ago because he had crustys and there has been nothing since.
I will go now and give him the oil ...
I have a two week old baby polish and it had tried up poo opn its bottom and seems kinda weak. It can't keep up with it's siblings outside always lingers behind - so I decided to bring it inside and soaked it's bottom in warm water. The poo came off it's bottom but it doesn't seem very alert - what should I do next?

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