Constipation Help Needed ASAP please

I can do that too. I have two waterers in there-a gravity one and a nipple one, so I'll make one of them plain. That electrolyte stuff makes a whole gallon, so I was just trying to use the whole gallon up. lol He drinks tons though, but maybe not as much as I think he does. Tricky little bird! Thank you!
If Cluck keeps on having a stubborn constipation problem, try mineral oil. It will do the job very quickly. I had a chick, from MPC by the way, with constipation so bad she would chirp in pain when she tried to go. I put some mineral oil in tiny cup and held it under her beak. Having had only experience drinking water, that's what she thought it was, and she took a nice big drink of the oil. Unstopped her in no time.

But she had a failure to thrive problem and died a few days ago.

Also, one of the reasons chicks nibble on paper is boredom from too little space. If you have a coop, I would move them into it right away. Brooders are this thing we do out of custom and habit, many times not realizing an empty coop would work even better. All you need is heat and security, and anything can double as a brooder.

I'm using the "Mama-heating pad" system and my two-week olds are out in a grow-out pen with 100 square feet of romping room. First time in eight batches of chicks I've not used a brooder. I'll never go back.
Thank you for the advice. Cluck is back to runny poop, twice yesterday then normal ish looking poop last night. I wonder if it was a strip of toweling. I removed the paper toweling yesterday and used the kraft paper as that's what I had on hand. They are all acting fine, so thank goodness for that I suppose. I really do wonder if I got a bad batch from MPC as Isabel was fine then just randomly croaked and then Cluck and Henrietta both got pasty butt, and I know that I am doing everything allegedly right. lol

Their coop isn't quite ready yet, as from all the reading I was doing, it said fully feathered to go outside, and so I figured I had a few weeks to complete, since they're just starting to get their feathers. They are 12 days old and it's still in the 30s and 40s here too, 50s in day time. What I can do, is increase their space by double at least. I will try this and the pine shavings too, having the rubber matting stuff as back up in case they start to eat the shavings. :(

Ideally, I'd like to put them outside, but we have so many predators here, and my coop/run isn't quite secure enough. We are working on it. For the run, we have a cedar privacy fence with a trench dug all along it, with huge rocks and gravel buried underneath it. Then on the backside of that, we have regular wire fencing (the redhead stuff from Lowe's), which the bottom is partially buried in case something tries to dig out or in. Then, on top of that all along the bottom, we've run 1/2" hardware cloth for security. We're nearly done with the fencing, should be done today probably. (if it quits pouring the rain down-no garage and don't wish to operate electric saws in the rain, lol) As far as the coop, everything is done but for a little painting, and finishing the bottom wall. Hoping to get that done today as well. Then I wanted to water proof it wall with some Thompson's water seal-maybe a couple coats as I figure it will need it/take a beating from all that poop etc. I figured on allowing a week for it to air out/not smell like water seal/paint etc. Hopefully that sounds like a viable plan.

I am a total chicken noob and just want to ensure they will stay safe in their coop and run. Oh, and in the meantime of all this, I have to build a frame and order netting for over the top of their run. The eagles and ravens here are relentless, then there are coyotes and foxes that worry me too. Not too worried about the lynx and wolves, haven't seen many though I am certain they are around. I saw three lynx last year, all together, when I was returning from taking my kid to school. I've only seen them that once, but obviously they are roaming around here. We already have a stinkin Raven stalking the coop area-I'm sure he knows what we are building. :( Bears do worry me, but there's not alot I can do about that. Can't convince the hubby to run electric around it all yet. He says, "They're just chickens and we've already spent too much." Grr, that man!! Coyotes have stalked my rabbit, but haven't tried too hard to get into his cage, so… Chickens might be a little more tempting. To top all that off, some stupid dogs have started coming around, so I am hoping to not have to get nasty with them, but am prepared to, nonetheless. And in addition to the three layers of fencing, partially buried fencing, rocks and gravel, I have also made two bear silhouettes to hopefully scare the dogs away or maybe detract a predator who might come sniffing around and get surprised by the shadow bear. Yeah, I know, I am probably just making myself feel better, but we have sooo many predators here that I worry endlessly.

If you've read the book I've just written, bless your heart and thank you from the bottom of mine!!
I agree. You're doing a very thorough job of making Fort Knox. But yes, there is something you can do about bears. I have those critters, too, and they get wind of your chickens, and it's like a big meat market to them. They won't give up, either. But running an electric wire around the coop and at the top and lower two feet of the run will solve the problem of all the meat eaters.

The secret is to condition them by placing peanut butter on the hot wire at intervals. The bear smells the peanut butter, investigates, and gets a message she won't forget. I have a solar charger, a little pricier than the plug-in kind, but it goes anywhere, can be in the weather, and you don't need an electric outlet for it. In a huge wildlife area like yours, you'd be inviting a war unless you hot wire your chicken facilities. It beats having to run outside with the shotgun every time the chickens set up an alarm squawking. Been there. Not fun.

Also, the "rule" about being completely feathered out is meant if you aren't going to provide heat for the chicks. As long as you provide a heat source until they feather out, they can go outside anytime at any age.
Thanks you guys. Everyone is doing alright. Cluck and Henrietta have swollen vents from straining, but everything is opening and closing okay. I have added a tiny bit of Vaseline to their rump feathers, just in case. Actually, their feathers are just growing, but you know what I mean. :) They are all acting fine, eating and drinking fine, so…. As for the electric, I am going to have to convince hubby. He worries about our little one. Now, she doesn't run rampant mind you, but he is worried that somehow she'll slip out, touch the fence, and blam!

I didn't know that about the feathering rule. I wish our coop was done. Rained yesterday and 1/2 of today. UGH!! Hoping to have it done by this weekend!
Oh, okay. That might make him feel better then!! Henrietta and Cluck have swollen vents, but they open and close fine, are eating and drinking fine etc. I am assuming it's from the straining to poop. I have put a tiny, tiny bit of Vaseline on each to help any poop slide out and also lube the vent a little, cause it looks like it's kinda irritated and swollen. :(
Glad the DH is understanding the value and safety of a fence charger. They can explain it better at the hardware store that sells those chargers. I sure hope you guys decide to forgo all the hassle with wildlife and rig a hot wire system. If you decide to go through the learning curve like I did, it involves more than one dead chicken, the attending grief, and having to be part of the guilt trip involved with having a beautiful wild animal put down because it got itself into trouble with live stock.

I've had no more of that since I've had the hot wire system around garden and run.

Back to swollen, tender vents. It's attendant to pasty butt and constipation and the irritation of delicate tissue when it's cleaned. Coconut oil is both soothing as well and antibiotic. Seems I read that your state has recently legalized cannabis. I've made a salve out of cannabis and coconut oil that heals and shrinks tiny, swollen chick vents after this ordeal. It also relieves pain. Truly amazing stuff if you can get your hands on some.

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