Contest! Prize, six Icelandic hatching eggs! NEW PICS!

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Just watching for now.

I was really taken with your birds when you sent me the link earlier this month.

I'm not going to try for them for a number of reason. The main reason being space. I would want to give them the best I could and maybe once I find my forever place and have the room they would definately be one my to have list.

The other is I could never touch your dedication! I know what these birds mean to you and if I thought I could be half as dedicated I would definately want to help with preserving these beautiful birds.

Time I guess would be included in dedications so those are my excusses. LOL

I hope you find a very worthy person who can help you bring this breed back.

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Keep 'em coming. Here's a picture of some of my babies just to tempt you!



These four are all from Lukka's eggs!





My husband and I just finished reading over all the contest entries and we have chosen a winner. This entrant stood out because she is of Nordic descent and I think that would make Sigrid happy. She also lives very close to Sigrid so, climate wise, they should do well. Should the need arise, Sigrid would be close enough for a field inspection as well!
Just kidding.

We were impressed that this person shares our vision of preservation. She convinced us that she can safely incubate, hatch, brood, and raise these wonderful birds in a safe environment where they will be allowed to free range, go broody, and live according to their natural tendencies. ( Unlike at my house where I chase them around to cuddle.)

So the winner of the 6 Icelandic hatching eggs is Heather (fancbrd4me02)! Congratulations Heather!

All the entries were great and we really had a hard time choosing. Lukka must be excited about this too because she has generously donated an extra three eggs to be shipped to our runner-up, Josh, and his boys Aaron and Nathaniel (CoopCrazy).

If Heather fails to provide her shipping information, the 6 eggs will go to Josh and the 3 eggs to our 3rd place finisher. The good news is everyone who entered has been moved to the top of our waiting list for hatching eggs! Thanks for all your kind comments about the Icelandics and your interest in the preservation of them. We can do this!

GRATS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have fun with them....

i LOVE those hairdo's on them... they crack me up....
Thank you so much..... The boys will be soo happy, I can't thank you enough and now Ive gotta get my bator running .....
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