
Our newest dog is a pound-pup. The best we can figure she is a Kelpie-Dutch Shepard mix. Never had a "herding" breed before. Great fun watching her herd the goldern ret. and the greyhound. That was 4 years ago, hard to believe.
Are goats very expesive to keep?
. I have dwarf Nigerians... And they are small. Friendly. And very easy to keep! They eat according to their size like any animal. And need some vet care sometimes. But overall we love ours!! (They used to love sitting on the mini!!)
Hello! I wanted to introduce myself, join in on the fun, and share with you the new addition to our family bunnies.

CPL...........count me in after we do dinner..........get over 3500 posts tonight and our farm will give a random prize of mixed hatchlings from NYD (could be ducklings, geese, chickens or a mix of the bunch.)

in lockdown: Sebastopol geese, Ancona ducks, Silver Appleyard ducks, French White Muchsvoy, Khaki Campbell, EE, OE, BC Marans, AM in blue , Lavender, Wheaten and I am sure I am missing something
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