Convince dad to put hardwire cloth on the chicken’s run instead if chicken wire.

Good to know, thank you

Welded wire is a lot less expensive than hardware cloth so if you have to come to a compromise that is likely a good one. It also doesn't rust and will last a long time unlike chicken wire (which should be a good selling point for your dad).

Since he bought that nice frame it only makes sense to go with a decent fencing. Avian netting would work well on top and is easy/inexpensive (but buy heavy duty stuff, not the cheap stuff).
WE used 6' tall, 2"x4" welded wire fencing for our run, and wrapped the bottom portion of it with chicken wire buried 6" into the ground. We used 1/2" machine fabric on the coop windows and venting holes. The welded wire fencing was strong enough to keep out the neighbors 3 labs (2 were 8 month old puppies) when they came to "visit".

Yeah that is what I have too. It holds up really well.
I don’t know if anyone can really help me with this. But do you know anyway to convince my dad not to put chicken wire on the run. He said that over the years nothing has ever gotten in our old run during the day so it’ll be fine, but I am worried I’ll come out one day and find a crime scene.
Hi Bear and Dart: When I built my first chicken run I used heavy duty plastic "chicken wire" and then regular chicken wire. It didn't take long for the raccoons to find it and eat through it. Lost my entire flock. Then I did some research and ready many blogs about using hardware cloth. In fact, many said that is the ONLY thing to use as it is strong enough to keep are various varmits, including raccoons who are strong like little bears. So, if you need to convince your dad. Go online and find the many articles who swear by hardware cloth.
We used a combination of pig panels and 1x2 wire together with a chicken wire skirt that extends 12" from the fence and buried. The top is vaulted, pvc supports covered in 1x2 wire. Where the top and sides meet is doubled chicken wire.

The first time you encounter the "crime scene" you'll wish you had gone the extra mile.

Always lock them in at night, and count them.

Raccoons are the main predators here in the city.
Best of luck!
I totally agree with Sonya9. Also, I to have 2 runs. The one tied onto the enclosed coop is 8'x8' and has hardware cloth the first 36" and then 1" chicken wire the rest of the way up. I have two trap doors, one leading to inside the chicken coop and the other to the bigger run which is about the size of Sonya9, 12'x30' and it too is made of 5' welded wire but the trap doors give it extra protection. :)
I comprised with my husband who financed the whole build of our chicken run and we did the bottom 4 ft and about 6 in underground with hardware cloth and did the top with chicken wire. Thankfully we havent had any issues so far.

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