Cooci? Black runny poo?


5 Years
Jan 29, 2014
West Tennessee
Min started my Welsummer ( Beatrice) on corid 4 days ago bc of diahrea that was questionable to cocci.... Ivd been out of town and my moms been chick sittin... I noticed there was poo that was runny black dried up. Cleaned bleached brooder last night.... She still has it today. It started out milk chocolate then a tinge if blood now milk chocolate w black... She's drinking and eating but does spend more time sleeping than the others... Plus she's got the head shake going on. I've treated for mites twice... I haven't seen any but I know if they shake their heads it could be mites or lice.... They did have lettuce the other night, grapes last night. But all the others have normal poo and are happy.... Would worms cause this? She's almost 3 wks old and has had diahrea pretty much the whole time I've had her....
. Sorry, gross. But that's what it looks like.
It sounds like there might possibly be some type of internal damage causing bleeding. The blood turns black and is excreted. You can try corid if you wish, not sure it will help though. Good luck.

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