Cookie cutters


Flock Mistress
14 Years
Jan 9, 2009
south Florida, Pompano Beach
Does anyone collect cookie cutters?
I have alot of them ,but I dont know if Iam a collector.
If I see one I dont have I will buy it sometimes.Does that make me a collector?
I have old ones,Some like GM had.I have dinosaurs off the pnut butter bucket Krogers did when Mine were little.
My DGS loves them.
I bought the set of snowflakes to make ornaments for the tree.
I have the doggie bone for the doggies.
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I don't really have any yet
I have 3 hearts graduated sizes that I bought to use for my wedding (we shaped ground beef patties with them)
I want some for sure... every time I see a wall of them, they are so intimidating..there are SO MANY OF THEM!!! I can only buy one or two at a time and I don't know where to start! What shapes I should start with I mean...

I love the idea of using them... I know I want metal ones so I can use them in a skillet for instance too (my hearts are plastic)... for now freehanding is ok.. but it would be so much fun to just stamp stamp stamp and presto!

any advice?
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I started with the childhood ones my mom or Grandmother had.The ones I remembered then added from there.
I saw a Sandra Lee show where she did blue and white frosted snowflake cookies and decorated the tree in them and It was an insperation so I bought the cutters and the colored sugars.We did this last year It was beautiful.We also ate our decorations.
Sure you're a collector. I'm not a "professional" collector! Certainly don't have the money to do that! I just love them, and love to bake cut out cookies! I remember my grandmother teaching me how to make cut out sugar cookies as a child. My first cookie cutters were the Little Mothers ones, the tiny ones that were copper colored! I was maybe 9 or so? I found some on Ebay, with the original price tag of .39 cents on it!!!! I was shocked! I love my cutters! I tell my kids, when we start going through them, to be very careful, they are my pride and joy!!! I wrap them in tissue paper to keep them "safe" !
I've never thought of myself as a collector, but I guess I have been collecting them over the years. I am sure some were given to me by my mother, some picked up at thrift stores, yard sales, etc. I went through them one year and get rid of duplicates. I just picked up a nice chicken one at the thrift store last week! I'd love to see everyone's collections.

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