Coon attack??

I knew a roo as a kid that lost all toes on both feet to frostbite. He got along fine too, but losing a leg is a bit more of a problem in terms of mobility. Chickens can walk around on stumps, but they can't walk around without a leg.
An aside but of possible interest. I have been trying to trap a wayward cat using a live trap set by a neighbor's barn, thus far, little success. Last night I caught a coon in the trap. This is a brand new Advantek live trap that I bought for the purpose. Between the time the coon was caught and I release it the darn animal almost destroyed the trap. I'm putting this here as an indication as to how strong these animals can be--this wasn't even an especially large coon. So if you want to coon-proof your coop make sure your are aware that they can, if they want, go through some pretty heavy stuff--chicken wire aint gonna do it.

BTW, using cat food as bait.
a lot of the traps sold in feed stores are kina loss leader specials if you want a trap that will last google willaims or safeguard cage traps. for just using once or twice every now and then the loss leaders will work but if you start using them every day the havajunks and Advantek and what ever habor frieght sells are destroyed fairly quick just by one large coon I have built my own and bobcat/grey fox are held in quite well with chicken wire.

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