Coop cleaning

I like to use the Sweet PDZ in the girls' poop tubs. I sift through them daily and pick up poo out of the medium pine shavings on the floor. I also use the food grade DE on the floor and in the nesting buckets for odor and bugs, works wonderfully! I have asked each and every person who visits if they can smell anything and all have said no, just smell the pine shavings! YAY! For the outside, I do want to get some more clean sand and put in the coop yard. It is much easier collecting poo that way. Otherwise, I let the girls roam around as they wish, collecting bugs and whatever weeds they like, lol.
My current indoor chicken pen is 4x 20' with 8 birds
I use shavings and clean every 6 weeks in winter and every 3 in spring summer fall
I scoop under roost perches every other day
I use two bales shavings at a time

I detest deep litter method you could not pay me to do that and clean my coop one or two times a year no way
I am in Ontario Canada and can't find PDZ anywhere.....literally....besides ordering off amazon which I don't want to do. So frustrating!
I searched zeolite when PDZ didn't come up....but nothing!
I will look into horse stall freshener. Thanks!

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