Coop fire

I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy. Thank the lord that you, your family, and the majority of your chickens are okay. If there is anything that we in the BYC community can do for you and your family, please let us know. Praying for you.
I am so sorry to hear about such a nightmare you have all been through. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Having had my brother and his family lose everything in a
fire last week, I know you are feeling very grateful to be
alive and unhurt.
God will provide, He always does. We forget to thank
Him though.
sorry to hear about the fire... glad everyone is alright

what caused the fire?
ohman! i am very grateful it wasn't at night and that you were home to catch it when you did! Thanksgiving Day my neighbor (whom are wonderful) are from China, living here to start a new business (three years ago) decided to cook their firsy traditional Thanksgiving meal and invite their American friends. siphoning grease from the bird the grandmother left the flame on the stovetop burner. the speculation is that some dribbled, caught flame and she panicked grabbing a potholder to slap it down, splashed grease onto the potholder and nearby dishtowel. she flung them towards the sink under the kitchen window with the curtains. happened so fast. fortunatly she had only a few blister burns on ine hand/arm and they had the issue under control before the firetrucks and paramedics got there (under three minutes!). The rest of their day was spent with everyone in the neighborhood pitching in to help clean up offer support and trying to communicate good will towards grandma. kinda cool, we have a strong ethnic mix of families and religions, ages and financial needs, but sudenly the only thing that mattered was being thankful, the preciousness of what we are gifted with.

Sending you and your family hugs!

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