Coop floors


6 Years
Jan 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
So I'm a rookie about ready to build a coop. I live in tx and I consider the summer heat to be more of a problem than winter cold. Our first experience with chickens was when we had horses. I was ignorant of how to take care of them. Under benign neglect not only did they survive but thrived, the were never fed other than what they could scratch up from what the horse scattered including the winter, they shared quarters with the horse in the 3 sided loafing stall with a dirt floor and I don't think the four of them ever missed a day unless they were in molt.

So why do they need a floor. A floor seems to be a breeding ground for disease. During the winter if I wanted to a generous caretaker I could throw a few sheaves of hay in there and then move the coop to a different location and shred the old hay with the mower. Other than for ease of egg collecting I can't figure out why it wouldn't be a good idea in my climate to lower the coop to the 4x4 skids. . I know chickens prefer to roost at night rather than sleep on the ground. So with adequate perch space that is greater than any one bully can own I don't know why this isn't a good idea.
Actually, a floor is not absolutely necessary, but is recommended unless you are absolutely sure there are no predators that can burrow their way into your coop or run (if they are enclosed). Floors do require cleaning periodically, even dirt floors (ask those who use the deep litter method for more details). Adding some kind of poop catcher under their roosts can greatly increase the amount of time between cleanings, as most of the poop that collects inside the coop is dropped during the nighttime hours when the chickens are asleep on their roosts. I made trays that I can fill with granulated zeolite (SweetPDZ is a common brand). All I have to do is scoop out the poop at the end of the day when I go out to collect the eggs. My two 6 foot trays take all of five minutes to clean (enough to almost fill a 2 pound coffee can!). It keeps the ammonia and the smell down too.

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