Coop repairs and new run

Water brake!

Kinda humid today...

Got a door on and cut a pop door. Run door is kinda tight and needs a good push to latch but it’s better then to lose. I had a ramp from the free craigslist coop in the back ground of the second picture. Gota get the waterer and a hot wire set up. The deck guy cut some braces for under the coop from his scrap for me. Maybe I’ll get them under the coop too....

Almost done with this phase!

Next phase is to double the size of the less secure outer run. It’s just going to be chain link with a hot wire. Bird netting on top. Craigslist coop will be part of it. Gota burry some fence and make a door area. Then the hot wire. Hopefully in the next 2-3 weeks I can get that done too...
After lunch I installed a hot wire around the lower sections of the new covered run. Made a spider web of wire around a seeker spot where it is hard to put HC under a stone wall that is holding back the coop/4’ of lawn. I walked the whole fence line on both coops and checked for debris causing a short. This should be done daily but I normally do it once a week.

I added a couple perches inside the run. Also a second water bucket with 6 horizonal nipples. I’ll add a feeder when I add the 10 younger now 10 week old

Before the thunder storm just hit, I added braces to the 4x4’s under the coop. No pictures as the rains came as I was picking up.
Happy to report that the coop/run is doing well. I found that in the summer months I can lock one hen out there for a day or two to see if she is laying. Also very helpful to have the secure run. I leave it open 24/7 and can sleep in on the weekends!

Spent today by digging a set of holes and setting 2 posts for a gate. Going for 5’ again but over shot a few inches... gota add one 2x4 along the side and can cut 10’ lumber down and have 2 peices. Also laid out for the door between 2 runs. Finished the main parts of the runs and put welded wire between the gate and some chian link I’m using for the main run.

Tomorrow I’ll re-run the hot wire around all 4 runs... (covered, inner, unsecured outer 1 and 2). Plus make the doors for the new run and from the inner to outer #2. I’ve got bird nesting to cover the new outer run. Just need to get a helper or two for a hour. Without the netting I still hope to get the hens in the new space tomorrow.
Sorry no new pictures, got the run door made and installed. Also built a new rost pole and po tray. Then added a hole into the new fence between runs. They now have about 50x50 of outer unsecured run space. About 12x20 semi secure and 8x11 covered space. Plus the 8x12 coop. With all the fence and dividers the new pulletts should be safe, lots of hiding places! Just gota cover that new run with some bird netting. Maybe tonight....
I thought I had posted a picture of the less secure run, sorry I never took one!

Life got busy in the late summer/fall and I never did cover the lower run. It’s on the list... for now when I’m around I let them in the new space and they just fly/jump out. No biggie if I’m home!

Last two updates on the covered secotion of run, I added a gfci to the run space. This will be for the water bucket heater.

I also put up plastic along the bottom 2 or 3 feet, hopefully they can be out of the wind more...


Other then netting on the new less secure area I’m about done with repairs for the warm season.
With 23 total right now, 10 pulletts, 12 hens, and 1 roo we will see how winter goes. I’m still planing on opening the older run and scraping some of the snow for them. Hoping for a snow less winter:fl If any Big projects come along I’ll let everyone know!

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