Coop/run camera suggestions


May 24, 2020
Washington (the left one)

I'd like a camera in our coop so I can see who is going into nests and so I can make sure all the girls are in the coop at night after the automatic door closes. I would prefer it to be battery operated and I need it to go to either a cloud or SD card, preferably the cloud or a way to get it on my phone so I can look at it when I need to.

Does anyone have suggestions on what works for them?
There are several home security cams out there you can consider. Also trail cams would offer probably the most affordable solution. For $40 you can get a basic trsil cam. For $120-150 you can have a quality cam. Depending on your budget, most trail cam manufacturers have a modle that can link to your cell phone to reduce/eliminate hands on checking for a little more $$$.
When it comes to my chickens, I use trail cams to monitor predator activity

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