coop small- ladies not so happy.

And, honestly, I am east of IL and the coop did fine for me this winter. I added plastic to the run under the coop area to give them more protection from snow and wind. It als sits next to a building so was shielded on one side. I am searching for more options though as I am expanding chicken math and all.
there u go. ( not MY chicken coop. got it off the web.
That's a new product from precision pets and one of the best prefabs out there. I'd turn the whole thing into a coop under that nice roof, then build a big run.

If it were my setup, I'd enclose the entire run, turning it into a larger coop, and build a nice big run. Minimum recommended space for chickens is 4 square feet per bid in the coop, and 10 square feet per bird in the run. For more information on space, user Ridgerunner has an excellent article if you want to look it up.
Double the sqft for cold, snowy climates.
Here's RR artcile:

Ok, I live in he northern most area of the US...
Seriously, just put your location in your profile.
Something like 'Northern Minnesota'...
... we don't need your address or even the town you live in.
It's easy to do and then it's always there!

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