Corid for ducks?



Is it safe for them, or deadly, im getting a 50-50 from everyone. I only have two pekins.
The problem is that the ducks are in with the chickens and free ranging with them. All of the water suplies are shared by the chickens and the ducks, so I really need to know whether to put them in a crate for 10 days, or if they will be ok.
Please and thank you!
Uh, I kinda really do need to treat my flock in the near future, so if someone or anyone could help me, or send me to a link, or anything, that would be great.
I originally didnt respond because I have never delt with this so never did the research. BUT I did just research it thru google and found the answer for you. Sometimes when you dont get a responce, dont rely on others to give the answers. Please if your flocks lives hand in the balance do the search in more than one place.

"Chickens are not the only birds affected by Coccidiosis. Turkeys, geese, and ducks, among others, are affected as well. Cocci are a naturally occurring protozoan parasite found in almost every soil sample. There are about nine different strains within the Eimeria genus that do harm to chickens. Some of these strains are questionable, but most are verifiable. I happen to know that my soil samples contain Eimeria of the Necatrix stain. There was poultry kept on my farm before I owned it, and that virtually guarantees the Cocci eggs (oocysts), are on site.
"For those waterfowl breeders out there, I have good news. Previously thought to be harmful to ducks, the latest veterinary science claims that neither Amprolium nor Bacitracin are toxic to ducks. As part of a study, I have had my waterfowl on medicated feed for over a year now, and everyone is thriving."
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"For those waterfowl breeders out there, I have good news. Previously thought to be harmful to ducks, the latest veterinary science claims that neither Amprolium nor Bacitracin are toxic to ducks. As part of a study, I have had my waterfowl on medicated feed for over a year now, and everyone is thriving.
Well, in all fairness I have been googling non stop since yesterday and calling all the loacl feed stores. (Currently waiting to hear back from one) and I called the local duck breeders in the area who all did not know the answer. My problem I think in my online searching is that I may not have been lining the words up correctly. I was just typing in "Can you give corid to Ducks" "Deadly medications for fowl" "Cand ducks drink Corid" and "Ducks and Croid"
How exactly did you end up finding the link? Because I really needed this yesterday, THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you VERY much!!
Well, in all fairness I have been googling non stop since yesterday and calling all the loacl feed stores. (Currently waiting to hear back from one) and I called the local duck breeders in the area who all did not know the answer. My problem I think in my online searching is that I may not have been lining the words up correctly. I was just typing in "Can you give corid to Ducks" "Deadly medications for fowl" "Cand ducks drink Corid" and "Ducks and Croid"
How exactly did you end up finding the link? Because I really needed this yesterday, THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you VERY much!!
First I searched "corrid" because I didnt know what it was. Then I was able to find out corrid is also know as amprolium. So then I search "corrid amprolium waterfowl" and " corrid for ducks" and " amprolium corrid ducks waterfowl chickens".
When doing searched you only need to use keywords not questions or sentences. To pin point the sites you want to check put " ..." around the most important keywords such as "corid" and "waterfowl" or "ducks" that way only sites that include corid and ducks would pop up and not all site that iiclude corrid and/or ducks.

Good luck.
First I searched "corrid" because I didnt know what it was. Then I was able to find out corrid is also know as amprolium. So then I search "corrid amprolium waterfowl" and " corrid for ducks" and " amprolium corrid ducks waterfowl chickens".
When doing searched you only need to use keywords not questions or sentences. To pin point the sites you want to check put " ..." around the most important keywords such as "corid" and "waterfowl" or "ducks" that way only sites that include corid and ducks would pop up and not all site that iiclude corrid and/or ducks.

Good luck.

Ooooh, ok that will do it! Thank you very very much!
So did it work out that the Corid worked for your ducks? I have chicks with Cocci and would like to treat the whole flock with Corid.
I’m currently treating my entire mixed flock with Corid (2 tsp of liquid per gallon, then follow up with a low dose of 1/2 tsp per gallon for 2 weeks). I have chickens, ducks, geese, and guinea fowl—adults and babies. They’re all doing great so far. :)

This is actually the first time in all my 5 years of poultry-keeping that I’ve had to treat for coccidiosis. Although, I’m sure it’s been more common with my young hatchery chicks than I’ve thought... I believe it’s the new babies that have exposed the rest of my flock this time around.
After everyone is treated, I’m gonna try to stick with raw apple cider vinegar in their water as a natural preventative. ;)
I’m currently treating my entire mixed flock with Corid (2 tsp of liquid per gallon, then follow up with a low dose of 1/2 tsp per gallon for 2 weeks). I have chickens, ducks, geese, and guinea fowl—adults and babies. They’re all doing great so far. :)

This is actually the first time in all my 5 years of poultry-keeping that I’ve had to treat for coccidiosis. Although, I’m sure it’s been more common with my young hatchery chicks than I’ve thought... I believe it’s the new babies that have exposed the rest of my flock this time around.
After everyone is treated, I’m gonna try to stick with raw apple cider vinegar in their water as a natural preventative. ;)
Do you know anything about the powder dose of Corid, if I can give that to my geese and guineas and ducks
Do you know anything about the powder dose of Corid, if I can give that to my geese and guineas and ducks

Follow this graphic for dosing. If the outbreak is severe double the dosing, and start off by dripping drops of undiluted cord along the bird's bills/beak.


I can't speak on guinea fowl, but very rarely do waterfowl suffer coccidiosis. Are there any symptoms that are suggesting coccidiosis in particular? It may be best to collect a few of the bird's feces and bring them to your vet for fecal flotation. This test lets you know if there is an overabundance of coccidia eggs in the bird's system. If your birds are having problems, please do post a thread, and we can help.

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