Cornish Thread

You're welcome, you should have no trouble finding quality DC there. In fact I would die for some birds from some of the European blood lines.

Dear Сhickened, good afternoon!
I have a very strong desire to keep SHOW CORNISH! it will be a joy for me!
I ask you to share the information. public nurseries in Europe the best Cornish. Really hope your knowledge will help me.
Thank you very much!
with best wishes
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He's four mouths old or five he peeps are u sure I shouldn't ???? Or sould I wait and fates him up???
That would be my question? Do you think he might just be a mix breed and should have already been on the butcher's block or something..? I did finally have to slaughter the last two of the Cornish I was talking about earlier too, they are now in the freezer. I would not mind doing that again as long as I know what I am getting into; this was all a new experience for me! LOL!
Dear Сhickened, good afternoon!
I have a very strong desire to keep SHOW CORNISH! it will be a joy for me!
I ask you to share the information. public nurseries in Europe the best Cornish. Really hope your knowledge will help me.
Thank you very much!
with best wishes
Check it seems there are some UK breeders or clubs listed there.
Check it seems there are some UK breeders or clubs listed there.

Here is a link to the indian game club in Great Brittain.
Indian Game Club
Contact: Mr John Cook. Tel: 01462 711617

And a link to the club in Ireland. It's the best I can do.

The name indian game is what they were originally called before they were renamed Cornish in America.

Good luck

Dear Chickened, JoshU good day!
Thank you very much, you're helping me! I hope that I will succeed! I will then show you the bird!
Thank you very much!
with best wishes
I feel like a real dork asking this question because I'm not chicken stupid. But it is my first round with Cornish bantams. I have 3 month old WLRs which I'm unsure about the sex. At what age should their sex be evident? I thought I had 3 pullets but the legs are getting a tad thicker on one. I am unable to download pictures on this site or would. Thanks.
Okay, I am looking for some input. I have a trio of WL Red Cornish that are 11 months old, and I would like input from the experienced breeders on here as to what is good and what is bad about these birds.

The cockerel usually holds his wings like what is shown in the third photo where he has the loose feather (he had just jumped onto the perch and was gaining his balance in the first one). I think his neck and chest are a bit too dark: He may be a bit too dark overall.

Both hens are shown below: One is a lot lighter, but she has also gone outside into the sun more than the other one, so may be faded a bit. Eye color seems to be good in all three, and the leg color on two of the three isn't too bad.

I have found stock where the hens have good leg color and body type as well as excellent lacing on their feathers: His males weren't as impressive. Would it do more harm than good to breed a male from this line with a female from that one: Or do I need to worry about this?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Wish I could help you out here but I'm just learning about this breed myself, got a new pic. of one of my chicks at about a week old now, what do y'all think ?
Wish I could help you out here but I'm just learning about this breed myself, got a new pic. of one of my chicks at about a week old now, what do y'all think ?
I think he looks chunky. Don't know much my self but I can see he's a little tubby!!!

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