Cornmeal Yeast Bread

I've wintered over both first and second crop carrots and beets and they tasted sweet into March. They began to lose their sweetness in late March although they still tasted fine. In early April the texture began to change, becoming woody, and at that point they became livestock feed.

Just took the cornmeal yeast bread out of the oven - and YUM is it good! I did not have the freshly coarse ground cornmeal, but my loaves are beautiful and delicious. I made one regular loaf and 2 small ones so I can take my folks a loaf. The other small loaf is .....diminished, already....ahem...

Thanks, Fruga!
I'm going to try this today, but I'm going to make one batch with white flour, and one with whole wheat.

Do you think the whole wheat will be ok to use?
amarook: I used 2/3 whole wheat flour and the rest AP and the bread came out yummy!

Well...let me amend that - being {ahem} rather "frugal" myself, I used yeast that has been in my fridge for eons.
So my bread did not rise as it should, but the taste was still phenomenal.

I am thinking of offering refuge to frugal himself or BigMike if either of their wives toss 'em out.
Imagine those guys cooking for me fulltime:D
You might be on to something about adopting those guys. lol

I've got my dough rising now.

I ended up doing the whole wheat flour first because it is what I had more of.
I'm excited about this because it's the first bread I've ever made.

My mom used to make home made bread all the time when I was a kid. Never store bought. Walking into the house after school on baking day was THE best smell ever.

She passed away last year and I never did bake with her. But I have her recipe.

This one seemed simple so I'm using it to break me in.
Home-made bread is the BEST!
Right out of the oven...with plenty of butter : - 9

Yeast bread is easy - the kneading is the hard part and you can always tell yourself what great triceps you'll have.

Or take out your frustration punching down the dough.

Not to mention how great the house smells.....

I hadn't done any for years - hence the Antique yeast

But the result was so tasty I'm putting yeast on my grocery list.
I made mine tonight!
We were pretty pleased with it. We used it for Roast beef sandwiches for dinner. It came out really heavy because of using whole wheat flour. Bit it was YUMMY. I gave a loaf to my sister, she likes it too.


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