Coronation Sussex not thriving

thanks Natalie...

I had a hen like that and noticed she was wasting away-I watched for her to eat one day and noticed she could not pick up but a few pellets of food in one feeding so she was getting enough to survive and not thrive:-( I immediately trimmed with baby clippers and within minutes she was chowing down-she's huge now!!! and lays the prettiest brown speckled eggs for eating:)
no shouldnt crack at all-use small clippers and dont get near the quick-I can see from the photo that there's a good size piece that should easily be snipped off before the quick-keep in mind-do it quick and dont hesitate once you have it set to actually clip it. Ive done it in two sections becasue my clippers were too small for one girl. once on the left side and a piece snapped off and then the right to even it up. I took a emery borad to quickly smooth down the two ragged edges that the clipping did.
hmm nail trimmers? I have them but the beak is a tad more fragile than a dogs nails-I stuck to clippers-but thats just me??

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