Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

"I'm mainly talking about letting in droves of people to come live here. We are having a hard enough time taking care of our current residents both medically and economically at this point."

Unfortunately, I could have cut these words out of a nationalist playbook.
Here's one!$6i
(Fun fact, immigration totals now are similar in percentage of population to when this man wrote this book. Right before the 1918 pandemic at that.)

It said "hoards of immigrants" instead of "droves". You said it's too much to take care of our own people instead of "causes low standards of living". Americans first, well that's an old one.

If you feel that it's incorrect and you're sincerely NOT trying to use nationalist or anti-immigrant rhetoric, may I suggest you learn what it looks like (after all it's got a long and extremely well documented history, that book alone was written in 1917) so you can avoid it in the future?
The anti-defamation league has some great has some GREAT information about anti-immigration and nationalist dogwhistles so you can avoid using them in the future. :)
"I'm mainly talking about letting in droves of people to come live here. We are having a hard enough time taking care of our current residents both medically and economically at this point."

Unfortunately, I could have cut these words out of a nationalist playbook.
Here's one!$6i
(Fun fact, immigration totals now are similar in percentage of population to when this man wrote this book. Right before the 1918 pandemic at that.)

It said "hoards of immigrants" instead of "droves". You said it's too much to take care of our own people instead of "causes low standards of living". Americans first, well that's an old one.

If you feel that it's incorrect and you're sincerely NOT trying to use nationalist or anti-immigrant rhetoric, may I suggest you learn what it looks like (after all it's got a long and extremely well documented history, that book alone was written in 1917) so you can avoid it in the future?
The anti-defamation league has some great has some GREAT information about anti-immigration and nationalist dogwhistles so you can avoid using them in the future. :)
"I'm mainly talking about letting in droves of people to come live here. We are having a hard enough time taking care of our current residents both medically and economically at this point."

Unfortunately, I could have cut these words out of a nationalist playbook.
Here's one!$6i
(Fun fact, immigration totals now are similar in percentage of population to when this man wrote this book. Right before the 1918 pandemic at that.)

It said "hoards of immigrants" instead of "droves". You said it's too much to take care of our own people instead of "causes low standards of living". Americans first, well that's an old one.

If you feel that it's incorrect and you're sincerely NOT trying to use nationalist or anti-immigrant rhetoric, may I suggest you learn what it looks like (after all it's got a long and extremely well documented history, that book alone was written in 1917) so you can avoid it in the future?
The anti-defamation league has some great has some GREAT information about anti-immigration and nationalist dogwhistles so you can avoid using them in the future. :)
What is wrong with putting America first? I am for it.
You need a negative covid test to travel into this country. That is for everyone even American citizens. Why not the illegal aliens. They could at least test them before letting 5hem in. We could have another spike.
What is wrong with putting America first? I am for it.
You need a negative covid test to travel into this country. That is for everyone even American citizens. Why not the illegal aliens. They could at least test them before letting 5hem in. We could have another spike.

I have no problem with testing people who cross the border, especially ALL people who cross the border. Do it!

The problem with America First is it's a specific concept that's usually summed up as "*insert hyperbolic amount* of immigrants are bad, they waste our money and resources". In fact America First was the title of the book I linked to. It says anti-immigration is imperative because black people and "asiatics" are prone to disease and use up our resources. The people who took that guys ideas mainstream in the USA in the 1920's-30s are really famous for saying Jews aren't really people. A good number of those same people espousing "america first" anti-immigration rhetoric in the 1910s-1930s were (no hyperbole) literally what Hitler based his ideas off of. Hitler wrote them fanmail about their ideas saying how good and right they were. "America First" was literally Hitlers playbook. The frank fact of the matter is, if I'm looking at something that Hitler thought was a Very Good Idea(tm) for managing minorities and immigration in a nation, I should be seriously considering doing the opposite of it.

But like I get what you're saying. Americans welfare should be prioritized and I agree with that (lord knows I *wish* we'd pull out of proxy wars and bring troops home and such). However even if you TRY to divorce the idea from its 100+ year history and say "well what we mean is ACTUALLY put Americans first without the racism and genocide and like just stop sending aid and troops overseas"... We're not an isolationist nation and we can't be.

For example, in 2014 with Ebola in Africa. If it kept spreading through the world we'd have been dealing with an Ebola outbreak we couldn't trace or stop because of all the trade and travel with other nations. If it stayed in Africa then it was just contact tracing from a few countries to stop it from coming home - easy enough as we have passports and such. But then it HAD to stay in Africa, so we sent doctors to stop it and we did*. Then in 2020 Doctors without borders sent doctors to *US* setting up mobile treatment hospitals for several months. If China hadn't been isolationist and had been up front about the discovery of and how serious COVID was we could have sent doctors there and worked with their government to isolate and treat people potentially before it got out. But now we can't and now, ironically, most of Chinas cases come from the US and UK - a lack of collaboration early on is making them sicker. So even when we try to put people who live in America first.... It doesn't always actually make America any better off.

I think there are many, MANY ways to prioritize the welfare of Americans, especially during a pandemic. And I think we should! But I think they're not always clear and obvious, and I super don't think anti-immigration activity would do much good. I think testing anyone at any border is harmless, great and worthwhile. There's no reason we couldn't do it.
Most people here in the country illegally came in on legal visas anyhow and just overstayed. So testing at borders should be effective.

(*for that outbreak, we haven't had an outbreak during a time the government was willing to send doctors since For Reasons)
My friend just texted me. He lives with his wife, her grandma, and her dad. They all got Covid except for his wife. She was the only one that took ivermectin. Her grandma had the first round Pfizer vacs two weeks prior. Her dad did nothing and faired the worst. My buddy was at least on zinc and vitamin c when he remembered to take them. His wife cared for them all in close quarters and never tested positive. Ivermectin for the win.
I have no problem with testing people who cross the border, especially ALL people who cross the border. Do it!

The problem with America First is it's a specific concept that's usually summed up as "*insert hyperbolic amount* of immigrants are bad, they waste our money and resources". In fact America First was the title of the book I linked to. It says anti-immigration is imperative because black people and "asiatics" are prone to disease and use up our resources. The people who took that guys ideas mainstream in the USA in the 1920's-30s are really famous for saying Jews aren't really people. A good number of those same people espousing "america first" anti-immigration rhetoric in the 1910s-1930s were (no hyperbole) literally what Hitler based his ideas off of. Hitler wrote them fanmail about their ideas saying how good and right they were. "America First" was literally Hitlers playbook. The frank fact of the matter is, if I'm looking at something that Hitler thought was a Very Good Idea(tm) for managing minorities and immigration in a nation, I should be seriously considering doing the opposite of it.

But like I get what you're saying. Americans welfare should be prioritized and I agree with that (lord knows I *wish* we'd pull out of proxy wars and bring troops home and such). However even if you TRY to divorce the idea from its 100+ year history and say "well what we mean is ACTUALLY put Americans first without the racism and genocide and like just stop sending aid and troops overseas"... We're not an isolationist nation and we can't be.

For example, in 2014 with Ebola in Africa. If it kept spreading through the world we'd have been dealing with an Ebola outbreak we couldn't trace or stop because of all the trade and travel with other nations. If it stayed in Africa then it was just contact tracing from a few countries to stop it from coming home - easy enough as we have passports and such. But then it HAD to stay in Africa, so we sent doctors to stop it and we did*. Then in 2020 Doctors without borders sent doctors to *US* setting up mobile treatment hospitals for several months. If China hadn't been isolationist and had been up front about the discovery of and how serious COVID was we could have sent doctors there and worked with their government to isolate and treat people potentially before it got out. But now we can't and now, ironically, most of Chinas cases come from the US and UK - a lack of collaboration early on is making them sicker. So even when we try to put people who live in America first.... It doesn't always actually make America any better off.

I think there are many, MANY ways to prioritize the welfare of Americans, especially during a pandemic. And I think we should! But I think they're not always clear and obvious, and I super don't think anti-immigration activity would do much good. I think testing anyone at any border is harmless, great and worthwhile. There's no reason we couldn't do it.
Most people here in the country illegally came in on legal visas anyhow and just overstayed. So testing at borders should be effective.

(*for that outbreak, we haven't had an outbreak during a time the government was willing to send doctors since For Reasons)
Please don’t read any hidden message in MY statement. Put America first. I have no hidden agenda. I also support the constitution and the bill of rights.
My friend just texted me. He lives with his wife, her grandma, and her dad. They all got Covid except for his wife. She was the only one that took ivermectin. Her grandma had the first round Pfizer vacs two weeks prior. Her dad did nothing and faired the worst. My buddy was at least on zinc and vitamin c when he remembered to take them. His wife cared for them all in close quarters and never tested positive. Ivermectin for the win.
Wow, I can’t get anyone to prescribe me ivermectin.

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