Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

So there's no vaccines for any diseases? Since none are 100%.
Polio and small pox sure have had a major decline even not at 100% vaccine.
You asked me what Vax is 100% .
I answered. Not sure where your going with this, but I'll bite. I personally know of 4 people that have gotten the virus after being vaxed. 3 light symptoms, one very sick.
I'm 56 yrs old, and I've met a lot of people in my life. Never met anyone that has gotten polio, or small pox after being vaxed.
Never met anyone that has gotten polio, or small pox after being vaxed.
In the USA they have been eliminated due to over half a century of vaccines. Except for a few travelers bringing it in. But when the vaccine first came out, some people did still get it. since the other people were resistant due to vaccines, it couldn't spread. There's 3 main polio variants so it was easier to vaccinate for.
The covid seems to have more variants and less people are willing to get vaccinated.
In the USA they have been eliminated due to over half a century of vaccines. Except for a few travelers bringing it in. But when the vaccine first came out, some people did still get it. since the other people were resistant due to vaccines, it couldn't spread. There's 3 main polio variants so it was easier to vaccinate for.
The covid seems to have more variants and less people are willing to get vaccinated.
Which makes my point. The vaccines available for this BS are not anywhere near as effective as we're being led to believe.
Which makes my point. The vaccines available for this BS are not anywhere near as effective as we're being led to believe.
I haven't heard ANYONE say there 100% effective.
Most of this thread is so ready to toss out the good because it not perfect. IMHO, go stay in your room and wait for that fairy tale world but don't tell every one else how to live. And don't do it on my dime. Good bye and good night.
I haven't heard ANYONE say there 100% effective.
Most of this thread is so ready to toss out the good because it not perfect. IMHO, go stay in your room and wait for that fairy tale world but don't tell every one else how to live. And don't do it on my dime. Good bye and good night.
Wow, angry at the world, huh.. sounds like you're telling me how to live.
I've never once told one how to live there life, but I'm being told how to live mine. I'm living my life to the fullest. I'm going into every store maskless even though I'm not Vax'ed. Thanks for the dime..

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