Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Not me, government says it's ok to go mask free, I'm going free. I trust the vaccine. But to each their own. Want to wear one doesn't affect me. I actually think it's good, wearing masks, maybe some of us should.
Even though Dr Fauci recently admitted he was only wearing the 'deuce' double mask for the look of it, perception, when asked why he was wearing a mask even though being vaccinated he said he wanted to continue it until the CDC gave the recommendation that we didn't have to,
“I didn’t want to look like I was giving mixed signals, but being a fully vaccinated person, the chances of my getting infected in an indoor setting is extremely low,” he told ABC.
Mask wearing for some I'm glad they are, hope some still do, just in case government is wrong.
Same with the vaccine, I really hope many do not get it, I did, and am not worried but could you imagine if this vaccine that isn't even FDA approved, only under emergency approval right now, a method that has NEVER been approved, could you imagine if government was wrong???
I'd prefer we have some in our population that hasn't had it, a control.
As far as masks, I haven't been in many stores yet, couple dollar generals and couple gas stations. What I observed this whole time since beginning of covid about 100% masked, most stores,
since NY went mask free maybe four stops I've had in stores not many, still see about 50% actually maybe more, 50% plus masked, young and old both ways. So all you maskers ain't alone.
Not a lesser form....but likely fewer particles.
Pretty sure that's what I read. Think it was Dr Fauci said even though your vaccinated you might still get and carry covid but your 'load' of the virus will be so low the chances of passing it are extremely low. Correct me if I'm wrong.
When I heard that made me think of the flu, many of us never get it. But do we? Maybe we do and are asymptomatic, just don't get sick, we would never get tested for it with no symptoms .
We never get tested for the flu like we have covid. Good possibilty more of us get the flu and never know it.

Edit: going to blame it on phone spellcheck, flu, not flue Lol!
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Pretty sure that's what I read. Think it was Dr Fauci said even though your vaccinated you might still get and carry covid but your 'load' of the virus will be so low the chances of passing it are extremely low. Correct me if I'm wrong.
When I heard that made me think of the flue, many of us never get it. But do we? Maybe we do and are asymptomatic, just don't get sick, we would never get tested for it with no symptoms .
We never get tested for the flue like we have covid. Good possibilty more of us get the flue and never know it.
Asymptomatic. I seem to remember a year ago we referred to that as "well".
I'm getting my second Moderna this Monday, and according to the CDC, I'll be able to go everywhere without a mask starting June 5th. I'll definitely go without the mask at work, I'm mostly in my own cubicle anyway.

But for a few more months, I'm still going to wear a mask at some places, like in crowds or inside stores. Why? I'll be 96% safe, so why should I keep on this annoying mask, extra annoying because I wear glasses and they fog up?

Because the science isn't totally definite yet about whether it can bounce off me and stick to you. Yes, some vaccinated people have seemed to pick the virus up, but as far as we know, it's usually in too small quantities to get sick, or to pass it to someone else and make them sick.

Call me an idiot, a snowflake, too sensitive or too concerned, but I actually care if I were to inadvertently pass this virus to somebody else. Even the anti-maskers, inveterate anti-vaccers: as much as I disagree with them, I would be devastated if I got someone else sick.
Masks are useless. A N95 protects down to .3 microns. The chins virus has a micron of .1. The number of people wearing N95 is slim. Most wear flimsy masks, or a bandana, which are a joke. 100% ineffective.
The Vax was pushed through so fast with no long term studies. How can the pharmaceuticals say it's safe? There making billions selling the Vax to the government. To me a vaccine is something that 100% prevents the spread of the virus, and stops anyone from getting the virus.
What I'm sick of, is the officials making those that don't want or not trusting the Vax, the bad guys. There punishing those that won't get the Vax by saying we have to continue wearing ineffective masks. Sounds like segregation, and we all know that's not good.
I would never bash anyone's choice to get the Vax. But the bashing I hear from the Vax'ed against those that choose not to is incredible. I've had people refuse to be in the same room as me because I'm not vaxed. They have been made to believe I'm going to get them sick. Make your decision and move on with your life. I truly hope there's no side effects that surface several yrs down the road fome the Vax.

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