Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I remember that! Leave the doctor's office and not only did the pharmacy at the grocery store have the script, they usually had it filled not 1/2 hour later.

I've used GoodRx to check drug prices. Walgreens was always way higher than anyone else. The best place is usually Krogers .... the closest one to me is in New Jersey! Why the heck did GoodRx even mention Krogers?

That lie will NEVER EVER DIE!

Not bad ... unless you are the family of that one.

:th :th

Like the one above?
repeating .... :th

You would think so but I guess some of us don't uptake very well! About 10 years ago my doctor put me on Vit D because I was low. Big surprise to me since I'd spent plenty of time outside all summer at the (no longer) new property.

Given you've been dealing with high BP for quite a while, this probably won't be informational but ....

DD1 wants a BP machine for XMas so I did some research. One thing I found was that you shouldn't take it within 15 minutes of eating and you should be sitting down. Guess we'll have to change our habits since we have many times tested standing (wrist cuff) and not long after eating.
:hugs thank you for being a voice of reason, on so many levels.
Ivermectin was developed as a medicine for people. It's used to treat river blindness, scabies and other illnesses caused by parasites. It won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 2015 for the amazing , life changing effects it's had on people around the world. We're blessed in the West, and in the USA in particular, in that we don't suffer from scabies, river blindness, malaria, etc.

Over a BILLION people have taken ivermectin for its antiparasitic effects. It has saved hundreds of millions of people from disease all over the world. It is prescribed to people immigrating to the US as refugees from some parts of the globe in their intake and vaccination regimen.

It's a shame that many people- including me- have to resort to misusing a medication meant for a horse in order to get an extremely common (in other countries) medicine is truly a shame. The nation of India, where ivermectin is a bogglingly common prescription, understands Ivermectin's viral suppression properties and, when our CDC was wrestling with whether to incorporate it as part of the Covid protocol, volunteered to give our government a BILLION doses.

I'm not an antivaxxer. I'm fully vaccinated- against measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, hepatitis and some other stuff. I'm an antiTHISvaxxer. The CDC had to change their definition of "vaccine" to justify continuing to use that word to call it that.

How many threads on this site have suggested using fish antibiotics on their fowl? Yes, I understand that rolling the dice on the life of a chicken or duck with an off-label use of a drug is different than me using horse meds but, if it came down to dying from an infected wound or eating a regimen of fish antibiotics, are there many that wouldn't tear open those little foil packets of FishMox and sprinkle that stuff right into their mouth? Or, if you were watching your child gasp for breath in a battle with pneumonia, would you use FishCillin if there were no other choice? That's how I, as a chubby, middle aged diabetic man felt when I was facing a disease that the media, the government and many of you view as the greatest threat to life right now.

To the person who said the 1 in 7,500,000 odds are good unless you're that one, I play those odds every time I go to work. Every time I cross the street. Every time I open my eyes to greet a new day, my odds of dying by something other than old age are greater than those of a healthy child dying from Covid. Anyone who counts covid as the main threat to their child shouldn't have a dog in their house. It's a greater statistical threat. Or a swimming pool (*recoils in horror*). Or let the kid ride a bike, or go to the park, or eat hot dogs, or peanut butter.

You're attacking the choice I made in my own self care, a choice which literally affects only me. Go ahead and poke the "but you could end up going to the hospital and costing us all money for your care" button. Well, if you have the self-appointed authority to criticize the life choices I make and their possible effects on the cost of health care, pardon me as I slap the Twinkie out of your hand. Or the cigarette. Or alcohol. Or the couch-destroying lifestyle where you wear a groove in the linoleum between the fridge, TV and sofa. Or whatever activity (or lack of same) that has a negative impact on your health.

God bless you all who are willing to take all the info presented to you, weigh it to the best of your abilities, and make your own decisions without being browbeaten into compliance by a "because I said so" authoritarian. YOU have the right to assess your own health needs and pursue them as YOU see fit- whether that's by vax or by crystals or by veterinary medicine. Your choice. Your health is the ultimate "till death do is part" thing; don't be bullied into anything you don't want, and don't be bullied into not doing what you think is best for yourself. This is forever. At death's door, I'd rather look back and reflect "well, this is all my doing" and not "why did I let them..."

But that's just me. My wife chose me, in part, because that spirit matches hers.

Finally, there are a notable number of people in my life who've gotten the two initial shots and the booster, and are eagerly waiting for the day they can get another booster (or two. Two!) to ward off the eeeevil Omicron. Or the newer variant "stealth Omicron", a virus so insidious that the infected will have NO symptoms, or symptoms so mild that they could be overlooked. The REAL danger of Stealth Omicron is you COULD pass it to someone who could get really sick from it, so just take the shots. Shots for infinity. Infinity shots, forever.

I will not get into that boxcar.
Search out an ivermectin friendly doctor as I'm dealing with the onset of covid on a Saturday afternoon? Calling that optimistic is an understatement. I did what was comfortable for me. This is my lane. You do what's best for you. That's your lane. What I do for me has literally no impact on you but you seem hell bent on browbeating anyone who doesn't march in lockstep with your view about veterinary Ivermectin into repentance. It's not going to happen. I have NEVER suggested you do it. Your position is as immovable as mine. We will not change each other.
I had Covid.
I became symptomatic on a Saturday afternoon after a 900 mile drive back from northwest Colorado.
My GP wouldn't prescribe ivermectin.
No time to go doctor shopping on a Saturday afternoon.
I went by the feed store. Bought ivermectin paste. Took it for 5 days.
I was completely nonsymptomatic by Thursday.
I lived happily (mostly) ever after.

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