Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

The COVID restrictions have more negative impact overall than the disease itself. We have been dealing with coronaviruses forever and I’m pissed that I’ve been indoors for 3 years being told to hide from the virus that only exists because America was dumb enough to say ‘let’s outsource our gain of function virology research to China- what’s the worst that could happen?’ Meanwhile watching the world become a dystopian nightmare out of Black Mirror because the authorities are now drunk on power.

I am so angry they (what seems like deliberately) take countries off the travel ban list in autumn/beginning of winter, keep the borders open then end up shutting the country down internally again because oh no, another variant got in! No one is freaking surprised. I knew the headlines of ‘there won’t be a Plan B, another winter lockdown or any sort of COVID passport...’ were BS and they’d go back on their word the second it was reported.

These statements were reliable as ‘2 weeks to flatten the curve’. Well stop shutting the damn door after the horse has bolted then! If we don’t sort out this crap we will end up like Xinjiang. It won’t happen overnight but we’re heading that way.
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I remember that! Leave the doctor's office and not only did the pharmacy at the grocery store have the script, they usually had it filled not 1/2 hour later.

I've used GoodRx to check drug prices. Walgreens was always way higher than anyone else. The best place is usually Krogers .... the closest one to me is in New Jersey! Why the heck did GoodRx even mention Krogers?

That lie will NEVER EVER DIE!

Not bad ... unless you are the family of that one.

:th :th

Like the one above?
repeating .... :th

You would think so but I guess some of us don't uptake very well! About 10 years ago my doctor put me on Vit D because I was low. Big surprise to me since I'd spent plenty of time outside all summer at the (no longer) new property.

Given you've been dealing with high BP for quite a while, this probably won't be informational but ....

DD1 wants a BP machine for XMas so I did some research. One thing I found was that you shouldn't take it within 15 minutes of eating and you should be sitting down. Guess we'll have to change our habits since we have many times tested standing (wrist cuff) and not long after eating.
I put in a prescription request for antihistamine because I have severe allergies that set off my asthma and eczema and OTC stuff doesn’t cut it. It took my doctor 2 weeks to tell me I needed a medication review, took another week to arrange the appointment. Then the pharmacy was out of stock. I put the request in on 4th November and just got the medicine yesterday.

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