Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

During the first parts of Dessert Storm, the media flooded the airwaves with continuous, sensationalized, and often live coverage. We were sitting in our living rooms, but we were THERE. We heard the fear in the voices of the on-the-scene newscasters. We heard how tired they were, from lack of sleep, to give us live coverage. We saw every bomb, every rifle skirmish, every time people had to rapidly be moved to keep them safe from impending doom. Chat rooms, and social type media were flooded with discussions. After several weeks, quite a few mental health professionals began warning about the effects that this constant barrage of this type information, was having on the public.

Many were watching every news clip, every update, and continuously joining in the chats. They began suffering a form of PTSD, having panic attacks, suffering depression, etc. They cautioned people to take a step back, not to watch continuously, balance the negative with other, positive things. They also warned that some may have trouble doing so, because it was somewhat addictive. At first, I don't think many heeded the warnings, but in time, it became enough of a problem that the media began slowly cutting back, so it was not continuous coverage. Attitudes, and mental health improved for many.

It's easy to go down the rabbit hole. Be sure to take time away from focusing on the negativity. Balance it with positive input too. It does make a difference.
Yeah, we've been doing good with the farm this week. Hatching eggs in the incubator finally stabilized in temp. We finished mulching our path to the chicken pen so no more mud. I got out and tilled the space I have sectioned off for peas. It's taken years to get it there but the soil is beautiful and black and fluffy - really easy to till. This is our busy time and D is home to help out which is nice.

G is burning out at work. He had to swap shifts 3 times this week due to staff shortages. But they're wrapping up training two new supervisors this week. Apparently they both went to his boss and told her that he's the only person holding the store together and is doing an amazing job. It's nice for him to be recognized - we're both hoping that manifests more materially. He's taking some time off in a week to just sleep for days. His store is going to be starting to give out masks and taking everyones temps at the start of shifts. He has Issues with things touching his face so he's gonna struggle with that.
My daughter's a nurse at a hospital in Colorado, they pass out sterilized pre-used masks every morning. They have makeup from their previous user & who knows what on them. Crazy stuff right there. One mask for all day, unless you actually enter an infected patient's room then it's a new n95 mask.
But another -- ANY other -- administration would have seen it's responsibility to respond. They would have issued the DPA orders to get supplies manufactured and delivered. They would have gotten them to hotspots without calling governors "snakes" and they wouldn't have doled them out based on who is a political ally. They would have distributed them directly and not through for-profit third parties. They would not have allowed the situation where individual desperate governors were out bidding one another. They would have come to the assistance of an aircraft carrier with sick sailors forced to be in close proximity instead of firing the captain of the ship who appealed for help. They would have alerted the population to safe practices and not told them it would "magically" go away in 2 weeks exacerbating the attitude that it was nothing.

This administration is responsible for the callous and neglectful responses they've broadcast.
Sorry, but most of your information is incorrect.
Here in NJ, due to the shortage of testing materials, only those with fevers or shortness of breath and medical personnel/police/support are being tested. The numbers reported are far below the actual number infected.

In Los Angeles you have to have a doctor's order and then drive to a testing center. The nearest one to me is 20 miles away. That could be tough for someone who's sick if some of the reports I've heard of people being too taxed to hold a cellphone are accurate. Or if you don't have a car. LA is a city in which many people -- the poorest, more vulnerable people -- rely on bicycles for their primary transportation.

Health care workers are not being tested unless they present with symptoms.
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Sorry, but most of your information is incorrect.

If that's the case, please be specific and provide citations. Most of the claims I see, especially statements made by specific people (even directly from the source itself) and distribution of supplies/bidding wars, and the bit about the navy captain are easy to verify with a google search. Most of those things are public record. Broad denigrating claims without factual backup don't do anyone any good.

Post sources. Make sure they're real and factual. Documentation matters. Blog posts and opinion pieces don't count....
But another -- ANY other -- administration would have seen it's responsibility to respond. They would have issued the DPA orders to get supplies manufactured and delivered. They would have gotten them to hotspots without calling governors "snakes" and they wouldn't have doled them out based on who is a political ally. They would have distributed them directly and not through for-profit third parties. They would not have allowed the situation where individual desperate governors were out bidding one another. They would have come to the assistance of an aircraft carrier with sick sailors forced to be in close proximity instead of firing the captain of the ship who appealed for help. They would have alerted the population to safe practices and not told them it would "magically" go away in 2 weeks exacerbating the attitude that it was nothing.

This administration is responsible for the callous and neglectful responses they've broadcast.
Well, we all have our own thoughts about how things went down. Have a great day

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