Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I stand corrected. I went to the feed store and there were at least 10 people without masks. The cashier said all they can do is strongly suggest wearing one which they provide for free.
On the way back to MO, I needed gas. I was one of 8 people in there and I was the only one with a mask.
Maybe this is the best way to thin the herd by removing the unenlightened.
Here too .. in gas stations! It's so weird but we notice that people are not wearing them in the gas stations!
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We have finally caught up with the rest of the world in my little isolated town. We have had a few cases here and there, but all were quickly contained, until now. We have reached the point that we are now considered community spread. We were supposed to go out of town for our family Thanksgiving, but due to the extreme rise in cases in that town and the rise in our cases I have chosen not to go. My DH on the other hand is still going. I do not want to be the one to give it to them should I have it and not know, nor do I want to get it if someone there has it and doesn't know. There will be several people there all under one roof with no masks and no way of social distance. Now I have to figure out how I am going to protect myself when he comes home. I know he will not where a mask around me, so I will where mine and stay as far away from him as I can. And be disinfecting everything all the time. Not much more I can do.
Why do folks not get it ? Why when both coasts were initially impacted didn't the rest of the country 'get' what was in store for them? It gets REAL when it strikes close to home. If others choose to be foolish, that's their choice. But I choose to not be near them. I know, I know easy for a semi-hermit to say.
We've had multiple quarantines at work and for the most part everyone stays away from each other and wear masks. No gathering is allowed. X's on the floors. Temps taken etc.
Still have guys getting it.

Then the variation with what schools are doing even in the same school districts. Each county's health dept deals with it differently. One a guy had it and was sick. Quarantined for 10 days then allowed to come back to work with no negative test. Another group that got quarantined but not positive quarantined for 14 days. I was in a group that all the others quarantined 14 days but me. Health dept said just work & home. One guy never even got called by health dept & he knew he was around someone positive.

Its not just people not doing what they are supposed to. Our government handling it like our government handles everything. Varied from state to state & County to county.
Our local school district yesterday had a flurry of offical emails. 1st was high school new positive cases for Monday.
Then carbon copy for elementary schools.
Then after lunch, email saying effective today(Tuesday) all campuses are full remote until after Thanksgiving due to all the positive cases.

Meanwhile my Better-half & kiddos are still quarantining.
I feel fortunate that in general everyone is wearing a mask here. I keep a mask by my front door so if someone comes a knocking, I can put it on. Some of the delivery drivers aren't wearing their masks all the time, but I'll have a mask on and it's a very brief encounter. BTW: my daughter tested negative for Covid. That's a relief. About the Covid parties, my understanding was that "they" would have a big party and see who would get the virus first. Seriously! And I don't call it being a hermit, I am in a bubble. :) Hopefully the new administration's approach will be to establish some basic guidelines and practices for the entire country so there is a more cohesive approach to this pandemic. Just MHO.
I haven't posted here in ages, goodness I've got some things to catch up on.

Nowadays in Central PA it really depends where you go. Some towns are fantastic about mask usage, others don't care. Our cases have been steadily increasing and yesterday's numbers were pretty yikes. I'm kind of hoping our governor reinstates a lockdown, because I'm not sure if reality has fully settled in for a lot of these small towns. My university is still hosting football games and they're trying to find large groups of students who tailgate/host 200+ person parties. Every week I get emails from students who've caught it and I don't know how much more I can help them outside of giving extensions on assignments and recommending resources to catch up. A lot of people are trying to pretend everything is ok, so my graduate classes are filled with even more busy work than ever before, because "You're at home, so you've got more time to do work right?" never mind the mental toll of a pandemic. I leave the house to get chicken supplies, do grocery pickup, and get takeout maybe once every 2 weeks or so; desperately craving social interaction, but health and safety is more important. Hubby and I originally planned to drive to his parents' for Thanksgiving, but given the number of cases there was no way to safely travel and isolate so we've canceled all our holiday plans.

But at least I've got chickens now - they're lovely and help me keep my sanity. Should get eggs around next month!

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