Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

So I am curious, have any of you been avoiding health care because of Covid? Are you up to date with your preventative screenings?

  • Colorectal cancer screening
  • Mammogram
  • Pap smear
  • Cholesterol screening
  • Blood pressure
  • Bone density scan

  • Colorectal cancer screening
  • Prostate cancer screening
  • Cholesterol screening
  • Blood pressure
  • Bone density scan
I wasn’t demanding that nurses get grandfathered in. I stated that they “could” be grandfathered in. I would personally rather be seen by an unvaccinated nurse then wait 8 hours in the ER because they have no staffing. I think it’s funny that my opinion was described as a “wild tear.”

Secondly, in order to qualify for benefits, there are many paperwork requirements, and recertification requirements. Also mailings that go out to recipients on a regular basis. One new requirement could be providing a copy of a vaccine card. I don’t think extensive amounts of outreach would need to happen. Include it on paystubs, the unemployment website, etc.

Finally, the same party that is calling for women’s choice is taking away choice of those currently working who obviously do not feel like the vaccine is safe. We know the vaccine is not effective at preventing someone from spreading or getting covid.

You have no idea what my political affiliation is, and it shouldn’t matter. If people can’t civilly communicate regarding differing opinions, what is the point. Diversity and tolerance of those who differ from you, whether it be upbringing, political opinion, background, employment status, gender, or race should be encouraged. I feel like my opinion is being attacked and isn’t welcome.
Oh good grief. Just give it up. Quit whining and go get vaccinated so you can fit in with the others at your workplace or whatever.

The vaccines ARE safe.

If you are so worried about "vaccine safety," just take the Pfizer one that has gone through the FDA approval process.

Go ahead and skip your every-10-year tetanus shot if you think that vaccines are "not safe." You are the only one who would get sick from stepping on a rusty nail in a horse pasture. You won't give tetanus to anyone else, except unless it's the neonatal kind, which a rusty nail in a horse pasture isn't.

I am so SICK AND TIRED of anti-vaxxers and their BoguS lies.
For about an hour before there labled fake, banned and probably fired.
'Fake news' now means 'different opinion'.
No, that hasn't happened to the doctors or any other authorities that have presented an alternative viewpoint about masking, getting booster shots, etc. If it has and I'm not aware of it, please present examples and cite your sources. Thank you.

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