Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I went to a dentist to fill a couple cavities. After the X-rays they said I have infection under the one tooth. He filled the cavities and sent me to a pharmacy with a subscription for some amoxicillin to fight the infection. I took some right away. I also noticed a couple days later that my lungs seemed more free. I was able to take a deep breath without struggling. I had some lung damage as a youngster from working on the farm in very dusty situations and not wearing a mask of some sort.
I am convinced that the amoxicillin cleared my lungs, I can freely breath deeply.
I went to a dentist to fill a couple cavities. After the X-rays they said I have infection under the one tooth. He filled the cavities and sent me to a pharmacy with a subscription for some amoxicillin to fight the infection. I took some right away. I also noticed a couple days later that my lungs seemed more free. I was able to take a deep breath without struggling. I had some lung damage as a youngster from working on the farm in very dusty situations and not wearing a mask of some sort.
I am convinced that the amoxicillin cleared my lungs, I can freely breath deeply.
If you had an undiagnosed infection in your lungs it is possible that it did. Antibiotics attack indiscriminately. I really think it's asthma. I've never been able to run long distances. I've never wanted to do any physical activity either. If I can't breathe that's why
Had a pulmonary function test done today and more blood work. Really wish my doctor had told me that they lock you in a vacuum chamber. I freaked out and started crying so they had to cancel that portion. My doctor says that she thinks I had covid and it might have caused a blood clot in my lungs.
Horrible that they didn't explain the test before stuffing you in there!!!
Horrible that they didn't explain the test before stuffing you in there!!!
My doctor did explain it but she left out the fact that I'd be in a chamber. She said "essentially You're breathing into a tube" in a nutshell that is the test. But in experience it's quite different. My mother had an MRI once. She said the doctor told her that it's just laying down and you might hear a knocking sound. She said the actual experience was like being in a coffin and having someone on the outside banging on it
I've never had an MRI, just a CT.
If your clousetrophobic at all I'm told it can be horrofic. In larger markets xray centers offer "open MRI's". where your not fully enclosed. They seem to be a lot more tolerable.
They don't knock you out for them because they need feedback incase there is some metal you didn't know about or remember. They want you to be able to report any discomfort. I had a patient who was comotose and the family was going to have a special consent for her to get the MRI.
I've never had an MRI, just a CT.
If your clousetrophobic at all I'm told it can be horrofic. In larger markets xray centers offer "open MRI's". where your not fully enclosed. They seem to be a lot more tolerable.
They don't knock you out for them because they need feedback incase there is some metal you didn't know about or remember. They want you to be able to report any discomfort. I had a patient who was comotose and the family was going to have a special consent for her to get the MRI.
What happens when they hit metal?
What happens when they hit metal?
The Magnetic Resonancs Imager works from a magent so strong it charges your cells and reads their signal as it discharges.
(I'm not an xray tech so please look it up or someone who knows give a better explaination.)
Point is a piece of iron, steel, something that could be picked up by a magnet may get hot, tingle, and COULD even be pulled from the body. I have even heard of tatoos becoming painful.
Don't let this scare you out of getting a MRI. They see much more than a CT or an Xray, especially in soft tissue.
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Still no word back from my doctor but I got both my inhalers today. There was a screw up at CVS. Apparently when I changed my name to my husband's they made a separate account so they had 2 versions of me in their system. So when the doctor called in my prescription it went to another account that didn't exist anymore and since it didn't exist they trashed the script. It's fixed now but what a pain.

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