Corrugated Plastic Roof?

I think it looks great!! You did a great job with the frame underneath it.
I just bought the clear corrugated at Lowes. It use to be 12.98 for an 8 ft. section. Now it is 17.98 a section thats to cover 24 inches. Yikes! definitely save up your pennies for awhile. But I used it to go around an area covered by tin in my run. I usually feed them there and wanted it to be out of the wind for them. If it is slanted a lot, it probably would shed any snow for awhile. Gloria Jean
The clear panels are going to be quite hot in the summer; you could think about using the white ones instead. Also, google the manufacturer's directions about building support under the panels, and putting in the right amount of slope. If you install these panels flat, rain will pool up on top of your roof which could make it leak or (worse) collapse under the weight if you don't build in adequate support.

I've roofed my summer coop/run with these panels, and for this fall I've attached some to the sides, too as a windblock. Next summer, I'll just take down the sides again.
We used the carbon variety ($40 per panel) of that type of roofing material over our porch and it has been up for years with no problem and we get snow and high winds.

I also used it for the skylight in my chicken house and I nailed wire over the opening on the inside just incase the Raccoons chewed the panels off. I made a wooden slider to close the skylight off on the very cold days. No problems.
Your coop and run are beautiful. and You are right if the coons know there are more chickens in there they will be back. a motion light will scare them for about 5 minutes, after that they will thank you for the convenience. You need to to either get a trap or a gun and take care of the problem. If you trap them and plan to release them take them at least 20 miles from home.
We used the Suntuf polycarbonate roofing on our new coop this year...I did choose the smoke color and I am very pleased so far...We did follow the instructions from the manufacturer for installation..We do have adaquate pitch on the roof to allow for snow load and used the spacing for purlins as per instructions for snow...

I was worried about the coop getting too hot in the summers but the coop was surprisingly cool...The coop is only 4'x4'x8'high...I put 1/2" hardware cloth on the top of the coop before installing the roof...Keep those nasty critter at bay!

We have had high winds here and I lost shingles on my garage roof but the coop roof was all still intact!...HOORAY!

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I like the idea !!!!!. But where we live it would be a big waste of money as we live in the H3ll hole of Americas weather/Tornado alley. We have severe hails storms all yr long. In other states it would work great and a good idea. I have corragated metal on the coops roof and it is dented like all get out, so you get the idea. Thanks for posting this, alot of folks will really like this.

I just installed a piece of this on the coop roof. It acutally looks like a skylight. The coop had a full roof but I wanted alittle more sunlight. We got a free skylight but it was too big for the coop, so my husband went to home depot and bought a sheet of this corrogated plastic. It is clear and seems to work fine. I live in a mild winter and summer climate so I don't think I'll have the problems with snow and heat that others have. I don't know how he and a contractor friend installed it but they assured me that it is water proof and that no coons can rip or break it off.

I'm thinking of adding about a foot high all around the coop to keep the dirt in instead of being kicked out during dirt baths. Possibly at least to the back and sides of the coop.
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